VGL Gay Boys: Ha, ha funny
Posted by Dan November 20th, 2008 at 11:11am In Internets TV
John linked to this YouTube series a while ago, but I really can’t imagine it attracted the appropriate amount of attention it deserves.
Basically, this is an internet-based television show (actually, more like sketch comedy) called the VGL Gay Boys, featuring the “straight” (har, har) man Jefferey and his wacky sidekick Cole. While the YouTube channel is named after Jefferey, the real star of the show is Cole — who unself-consciously and flamboyantly revels in the spotlight.
Here’s the clip we linked to earlier, wherein Cole takes on the role of a bizarre-o Bernadette Peters. Like most of my favorite impressions these days, Cole’s take on Bernadette really bears no resemblance to reality. The more non sequiturs and bizarre affectations the better, I say.
Here’s my second-favorite, which includes Cole as Meryl Streep.
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