Archive for November 20th, 2008

VGL Gay Boys: Ha, ha funny

John linked to this YouTube series a while ago, but I really can’t imagine it attracted the appropriate amount of attention it deserves.

Basically, this is an internet-based television show (actually, more like sketch comedy) called the VGL Gay Boys, featuring the “straight” (har, har) man Jefferey and his wacky sidekick Cole. While the YouTube channel is named after Jefferey, the real star of the show is Cole — who unself-consciously and flamboyantly revels in the spotlight.

Here’s the clip we linked to earlier, wherein Cole takes on the role of a bizarre-o Bernadette Peters. Like most of my favorite impressions these days, Cole’s take on Bernadette really bears no resemblance to reality. The more non sequiturs and bizarre affectations the better, I say.

Here’s my second-favorite, which includes Cole as Meryl Streep.

Add comment November 20th, 2008

Law & Order: This one time, the show jumped the hyena

So Law & Order: SVU is kind of batshit crazy lately. They were four different kinds of ripped-from-the-headlines last week, and this week…oh my GOD. Let’s discuss.

Last week, Benson and Stabler took on a Gloucester, MA–style pregnancy pact, only because it’s SVU, they had to start off with a homeless man who’d been castrated and set on fire. Fantastic! Turns out he was castrated and set on fire because he knocked up a high school girl, and her older brother thought that the crispy critter raped his sister. But not so! She wanted a baby! Because her friend got pregnant and being pregnant is, like, awesome. Just ask my friend Suzy, it’s all vomiting and people thinking you’re fat and surreptitiously growing a penis inside of you.

And you thought the only flamers at NBC Universal were over on Bravo. Shame on you.

And you thought the only flamers at NBC Universal were over on Bravo. Shame on you.

From the friends-who-tell-friends-to-get-pregnant, the detectives embarked on another of their Awesome Adventures in Hip-Hop. Which are ALWAYS BAD IDEAS. Look, I know the people behind SVU think they can get away with storylines involving rappers and that subculture because they cast Ice-T, who once upon a time was a real rapper, but, um, they cannot. In last week’s episode, this adventure in alternate job choices included casting one of the kids from Sleepers as a wannabe rapper whose mission in life is, and I quote, “Wreckin’ decks and gettin’ sex.” …Yes. That part was lame.

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2 comments November 20th, 2008

The More You Know: More like “annoyed by zero”

Add comment November 20th, 2008


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