Archive for November 12th, 2008

I Think I’ve Heard of TRL

Ok, so while I may consume television and movies voraciously, I didn’t grow up with cable. And if I happened to be at a friend’s house who had MTV, we were much more likely to watch Beavis & Butthead, which did show music videos, but it showed about as much of the videos as TRL did, and I don’t think there was a lot of content overlap. If I remember correctly, Beavis & Butthead tended to watch videos that either “sucked” or were obscure metal bands.

So I have limited exposure to music videos. I first saw this video for “Once in a Lifetime” on the DVD that came with the fancy Talking Heads box set, and I was shocked that the people who brought you The Hills let this on the air, but apparently it was a well-played video.

Letting a bunch of art school graduates play with video effects on TV has never worked so well.

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3 comments November 12th, 2008

We wait through a long strike and this is all we get?

I’ve tried several times to make a poll on the right-hand side of this page that asks you what your favorite new show of the season was. But I couldn’t really think of more than one show (True Blood) that I’ve actually looked forward to watching. And as much as I like having people agree with me, having a survey with one potential answer helps no one.

So, when TV Blog Coalition member Scooter surveyed a few TV bloggers about their new favorites of the 2008-2009 season, I kind of had to half-ass it. My top five, in order, were:

1. True Blood
2. Life on Mars
3. My Own Worst Enemy
4. Fringe
5. Kath and Kim

Truthfully, I should have just stopped at three but I wasn’t sure if that was against the rules or not. True Blood, as I stated on Monday, is fun and campy. Life on Mars, which I haven’t addressed (but I will… give me time!), is less exciting but watchable — as is My Own Worst Enemy. Fringe would have made a good made for cable movie and Kath and Kim — well, Kath and Kim has Molly Shannon (who I inexplicably have a fondness for — perhaps because I like women who are unafraid to be unglamorous and excessive).

According to Scooter, the rankings were pretty even, although Privileged and Fringe were the clear winners.

1. Privileged (The CW)
2. Fringe (Fox)
3. True Blood (HBO)
4. The Mentalist (CBS)
5. My Own Worst Enemy (NBC)
6. Raising the Bar (TBS)
7. Busted (MTV)
8. Gavin & Stacey (BBC America)
9. Kath & Kim (NBC)
10. Gary Unmarried (CBS)

Also receiving votes: Life on Mars, 90210, Worst Week, Whatever Martha!, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Eleventh Hour, Sons of Anarchy, The Ex-List, Rita Rocks

Voters: Dan, Ducky, Matt, Rae, Sandie, Scooter McGavin, Tube Talk Girl, Vance

3 comments November 12th, 2008

Babies make great live TV

This was the last segment of Keith Olbermann’s show last night. Two of my favorite people, plus that baby and his adorable, fat little face? This is great live TV, y’all.

3 comments November 12th, 2008

If There Was a Me For You: More Music Videos

Continuing our weeklong salute to the even-more-lost art of the music video (check you never, TRL), here are my top five. I don’t know if these are really my five absolute favorites — I tried to work myself into a nostalgic reverie over the videos I remember from high school, but all I could picture were Oasis videos, which were rarely very good, and Aphex Twin videos, which were rarely not terrifying — but these are what feels right at the moment. Also, I already posted Blur’s “Coffee and TV” a week or two ago to celebrate MTV having a website that makes it easy to embed the “Coffee and TV” video (and, secondarily, other videos), so consider these my five favorites besides that one.

5. Fatboy Slim, “Weapon of Choice”

I have to include a Spike Jonze video, and this one gets bonus points for being so much better than the actual song. It also perfectly encapsulates the Jonze style of taking (or coming up with) a deceptively simple premise and running with it for the perfect length of time. Other strokes of his brilliance: “It’s Oh So Quiet,” “Buddy Holly,” “Praise You,” Being John Malkovich, and Adaptation.

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4 comments November 12th, 2008

The More You Know: It’s MILEY! And Malia and Sasha!

Add comment November 12th, 2008


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