Sometimes we write things that are so remarkable, so insightful, and so hilarious that we want to enshrine them forever, preferably in the form of a marble statue surrounded by a moat of champagne. Or collect them here. Either way.
Maggie's Picks
Hail to the Persnickety Hero-Genius
The best characters have the most problems.
The Truth-Telling Anti-Hero Asshole with a Heart of Gold
Not as catchy as above, but way more prevalent.
The Great Experiment: Season Five
Sometimes people (me) watch too much of a certain show (Buffy) which then becomes somewhat of an addiction (like crack).
I'm Sick of Your Shit: Rory Gilmore
Because I really am.
"Suddenly people think they can do OTHER STUFF"
High School Musical, the discovery period.
Dan's Picks
Dan States An Opinion and Then Apologizes For It
I stop trying to be funny and then it's awkward.
One Day, Tyler, You Will Be Mine
I have about twelve of these obsessions every day. No joke.
I'm Sick of Your Shit: John Locke
Lost's most self-righteous character gets told where to stick it.
Freaks and Geeks: Reality Edition
Some loveable longshots are profiled.
I'm Sick of Your Shit: Meredith Grey
Seriously! Stop squinting!