Posts filed under 'RW/RR Challenge'

The More You Know: Apathy edition

I mean, whatever. 

5 comments March 16th, 2007

The More You Know

News nuggets to help you through your mid-morning slump.

  • Who knew such a pansy-ass show (that I, of course, watch religiously) could stir up such emotions.  Patrick Dempsey (McDreamy, of course) and Isiah Washington (Dr. Burke) got into an on-set fracas over shooting issues.  Heated words were exchanged, followed by light-hearted quips to the press to help the issue blow over.
  • When you think of "prolific stage and screen personalities who are known for their connection to musical theater" you naturally think of Paula Abdul, right?  As such, the Nevada Ballet Theatre has bestowed the Woman of the Year award on the American Idol judge. Hopefully, they'll give her enough prescription drugs so that she can stand the flight to Nevada, slip into a dress and babble incoherently to the ballet crowd while they clap politely.
  • Speaking of drug use, Chad Lowe is apparently going to be on 24 this season. Also joining the cast are Kal Penn (Kumar from that Harold and Kumar movie), Regina King, Peter MacNicol and James Cromwell ("That'll do, pig. That'll do.").
  • The Duel premieres tonight.  Cristin, I'm guessing we're not going to invest nearly as much energy into this season?
  • Josh Holloway cries on the shoulder of an AP reporter about living in fear of being killed off of Lost. 

1 comment October 12th, 2006

This. That. Other thing.

  • Apparently, the Evil Empire at Bunim-Murray is casting for Fresh Meat 2.  This will air after The Duel, which starts airing this week and also after The Inferno 3.  I never thought I'd say this, but I might be out as far as these shows go.  After the travesty of Fresh Meat 1.
  • The Village Voice shoots fish in a barrel Constantine Maroulis — a loser on the fourth season of American Idol.  Ouch. 
  • Finally, my favorite writer, my hero, my baby's daddy David Rakoff was on The Daily Show the other day.  Watch him talk about Mark Foley, gay republicans and his native land, Canada, below.

2 comments October 10th, 2006

Reality Eats Itself — The Fresh Meat Challenge: Episode 12 (is it episode 12? I so don’t even care)

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Dan writes, apathetically: 

Derrick and Diem are boning.  Well, I have no evidence of this, but it's a safe bet.  The first part of the episode consists of Derrick slobbering over her in a drunken haze, raving about her smile and her body.  Diem's loving it and interviews that she is trying unsuccessfully to ward off the charms of MTV's favorite sweaty, binge-drinking Pole.

Meanwhile, Tina complains to Kenny that she doesn't feel well.  Kenny says he doesn't care.  Tina interviews that Kenny is great and takes care of her on and off the playing field.

The next day, the kids arrive at the Challenge and see that it is a glorified breath-holding contest.  There's some nonsense about a boat and diving and flags, but it basically comes down to lung capacity.  It's the same old song and dance: the participants balk at the prospect of doing the challenge, TJ delivers instructions flatly, trash is talked, and so on.  In the end, it's a one second difference giving Derrick/Diem the victory over Theo/Chanda.

Now, herein lies the predicament.  Allegedly, Derrick has Theo's back.  And Darrell's too.  That would mean, from a loyalty perspective, he should be voting in Tina/Kenny.  Tina/Kenny, however, suck at everything and would be easier to beat in a final competition.

In the end, there is much indecision, and Derrick totally pansies out by literally turning his back on Diem and making her make the decision.  She chooses Theo/Chanda and he feels like crap.

Deliberations take place on the spot, since there are only three teams making a decision.  Darrell/Aviv vote for Tina/Kenny.  Tina/Kenny vote for Darrell/Aviv.  Wes, who is very pleased with himself (he planned it this way all along) opts for Darrell's team.

Cristin's two cents:



Seriously, this show is whack. I saw this one and still have nothing to say about it! Each episode should be an hour long so that someone gets booted every time. Oh, and they should staple Tina's face to a tree. That would make it a lot more fun for me.

Dan's two cents:

You know, I liked Casey a lot better when she was an innocent, stupid doormat.  When did she get this entitled, arrogant attitude.  It really makes me not hate Wes as much for being a bastard to her.   In other news, I've become less and less invested in this show since the one-two punch departure of Coral/Evan and Shane/Linnette.  Is it over yet?

The Scoreboard:

Oh, who gives a fuck. 

1 comment August 21st, 2006

Reality Eats Itself — The Fresh Meat Challenge: Episode 11

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Cristin writes:

We head into this episode with Shane/Linette and Wes/Casey facing exile. Furthermore, Linette and Aviv are, like, TOTALLY pissed that Diem would disrespect the sacred bonds of sisterhood and vote Linette into exile. The episode opens with Diem’s pledge class pals ganging up on her and basically telling her she’s The Worst Person, Ever and all I have to say is NO ONE talks to Diem like that one my watch. I hope Theo gives you the clap, Linette. What kind of a name is that, anyway? Ahem. Moving on. Casey announces plans to rock this challenge and then send Darrell and Aviv into exile in her place, while Theo and Linette do some snuggling and kissy facing. The challenge involves jumping off of a cliff four stories high into water and mounting some kind of large inflatable raft. Oh, how I long for the simple days of the Inferno when challenges merely involved walking on stilts to collect fruit-shaped sponges from tree branches and pressing them against your chest to squeeze water into a team recepticle.

Diem disgraces her secret-handshake buddies yet again by putting Shane and Linette up first and effectively ensuring that they won’t win and save themselves from exile. Each team has a varying degree of success, except for Wes and Casey, who shouldn’t have even suited up, as Casey refuses to jump into the water, crying and running off to change her underwear. Where’s that bravado now, case? Derrick and Diem win yet again and Diem wears a little bow in her hair and I just love her so much.

In exile, Casey sucks per usual, and Linette all but gives up under the heavy weight she’s been forced to carry. Shane is the most gracious loser in the history of MTV, and genuinely congratulates Wes on the job he did in exile. Back at the ranch, Diem explodes with excitement when she realizes Linette won’t be coming back to freeze her bra and panties while she sleeps, and someone has to wake Theo up from a nap to tell him that his cuddle bunny won’t be returning (you can almost see him thinking “wait, who?”). Casey, fresh off of her dismal performance in the challenge and complete uselessness in exile, rightfully launches into some major smack talking, then celebrates with Diem by dancing on top of a bar.

Cristin's $.02:

I feel dirty saying this, but I’m starting to agree with Wes: Casey is totally and utterly useless. The sound of her voice makes me want to pull my fingernails out. Meanwhile, as mentioned, I continue to be delighted by Diem, though I expect that to change next week when she gets her freak on with her teammate. At press time, I can’t decide if I’d more enjoy watching Tina/Kenny or wes/Casey take the walk of shame back to the good ol’ US of A… hopefully I’ll get both, and soon.

Dan's $.02:

Guess what, everybody?  I haven't seen Fresh Meat in two weeks!  HAHAHAHAHA!  I have been in Canada (for pleasure) and Chicago (for work).  So, everything Cristin wrote in her recap is news to me.  So sad!  Coral and Evan?  Gone!  Shane and Linette!  Where my gays at?

In any case, since I can't really comment on anything that happened, other than to say "Wes is an asshole" (safe assumption, right?), here are pictures representing Canada and Chicago.



P.S.  I love Canadians.  They're just like Americans, only a little bit better.

The Scoreboard:

Cristin's Blue Iguanas: Katie/Eric; Johanna/Jesse; Tonya/Johnnie; Theo/Chanda; Shane/Linette
Dan's Green Monkeys: Coral/Evan; Melinda/Ryan; Tina/Kenny; Darrell/Aviv; Derrick/Diem

4 points awarded for each competition won, four points deducted for an elimination. 
Cristin's tally: -4 (Shane/Linette elminination) 
Dan's tally: -4 (Coral/Evan elimination); 8 (2 Derrick/Diem victories)
(We totally didn't keep track of anything else this week)
Cristin's old total: 36

Dan's old total: 37

Cristin's new total:  32

Dan's new total: 41

1 comment August 8th, 2006

Reality Eats Itself — The Fresh Meat Challenge: Episode 9

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Cristin Writes:

Going into this episode, teams Katie/Eric and Tina/Kenny are slated to head into exile following a routine voting session and amazingly uncalled-for hissy fit by tina. The gang celebrates by heading out to The Cheeky Monkey (which looks shockingly like The Dizzy Rooster from the Austin season — I call shenanigans) where Evan and his athletic hernia engaged in a contest that involve inflating a condom to its breaking point, something I doubt Evan would be able to accomplish with any other body parts IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING. Wes, the Exile Expert, coaches Katie and Eric on how to come out ahead, saying that if they return, as a group they'll be able to "do some crazy things." Please don't let them involve Eric naked.

The challenge is called Human Ox Pull, and involves splitting into two teams to pull a sled with 800 pound of  hay on it. The winning team will then break down into the original two person teams and compete in individual sled pulls. During the pull we are treated to a series of hard-to-watch
looks at the painful grimaces on Hernia Evan's face as he, most likely, gives himself series of baby hernias.

Team Hernia loses, which is good because Coral has managed to pop her kneecap out and needs to go to the hospital, giving Evan the perfect excuse to get his hernia looked at on the sly. Evan carries Coral into the hospital after ox pulling 4 times his weight, making him either a total trooper or big, raging idiot. Either way, he's got invites to the next 9 challenges locked up, so at least he won't have to get a REAL job. Might want to start looking at Cobra, though. Coral is eventually transported to another hospital, still unaware that her partner is herniated and possibly hemmoraging. Eeewwww.

Back at the individual ox pulls, wes and casey quit theirs early because casey is "useless" (I agree), and she remains hilariously tangled in
her harness for many joyful minutes. Darell and Aviv take it on home.

During the exile race, Tina and Kenny are carrying 50 pounds less than Eric and Katie, giving them an early lead. They solve the first puzzle and get to drop their bags, but forget to pick up their team flag. They have enough of a lead on Katie and Eric, though, that returning to get it doesn't compromise their win (note to the producers, maybe these puzzle stations should be more than 50 feet or so apart?), and they send Katie and Eric packing. "Kenny and I can be unstoppable" Tina says. Great. Looking forward to it.

Cristin's two cents:

Yawn. Yawn. Yaaaaawn. Evan is sufficiently disgusting me, crossing "oaf-like heroics" off my list of things to watch for and whittling it down to a single focus: Diem. I love her. All I want them to do is show more Diem so I can get to know her likes and dislikes in order to carefully craft a planned-but-totally-coincidental-looking series of meetings with her that will force her to love me, like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

Dan's two cents: 

I wish someone got points every time Wes was verbally abusive.  Poor Casey. Poor blonde Casey.  Poor simple blonde Casey.  I'm going to be very curious to see how the hobblin' twosome, Coral/Evan, manage to compete in the future challenges.  They're teasing like the two of them are going to forfeit, but I don't think it's going to happen.

The Scoreboard:

Cristin's Blue Iguanas: Katie/Eric; Johanna/Jesse; Tonya/Johnnie; Theo/Chanda; Shane/Linette
Dan's Green Monkeys: Coral/Evan; Melinda/Ryan; Tina/Kenny; Darrell/Aviv; Derrick/Diem

4 points awarded for each competition won, four points deducted for an elimination. 
Cristin's tally: -4 (Katie/Eric elminination) 
Dan's tally: 4 (Darrell/Aviv victory)
Drama-rama (3 points per infraction):
Includes: crying; lovers quarrels; racial/ethnic/other slurs; physical violence; extreme displays of drunkeness (includes falling down, excessive slurring, vomiting); same sex encounters onscreen (worth four points because Dan says so); shown or implied hook-ups (includes make-outs and all forms of bedroom activity).
Cristin's tally: 0
Dan's tally: 0
Loose talk (2 points per phrase):
Includes: "step it up," "balls to the wall," "not a team player," "pull together as a team," "deserves to be here," any reference to effort exerted in excess of 100%
Cristin's tally: 0
Dan's tally: 0
Cristin's old total: 40

Dan's old total:33

Cristin's new total: 36

Dan's new total: 37

Add comment July 27th, 2006

Reality Eats Itself — The Fresh Meat Challenge: Episode 8

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Dan writes:

To start off the episode, Kenny is trying to calm Tina down over the fact that their team is at the top of everyone's list to be sent into exile.  Much lip service and ballyhoo is made of the fact that they are devoted teammates and they will work hard to stay out of exile.  At this point, the Foreshadowing Police come around with billy clubs and beat everyone about the head.

Coral complains to the ridiculously buff and ridiculously shirtless Evan about how they haven't been coming in first lately.  He seems to be half paying attention, because he is communing with his freeweights at the time.  Later, he confides to the camera that he hasn't told her (or anyone else) about his "athletic hernia."  In fact, just to prove how athletic his hernia is, he gives us a good look at the purple bulge on his pelvis.  His junk is blurred and it's all very disgusting. 

The crew gets a message from their itty-bitty future machine and Casey reads (!) that they must wear bathing suits.  Flash forward to the challenge where TJ explains that the challenge involves swimming in a tank of sharks to retrieve pieces of a puzzle.  The team that retrieves the pieces and completes the puzzle the fastest wins.

Wes and Casey go first and things begin as usual.  Wes loudly boasts about how qualified he is to do this mission and how he's obviously going to win.  But he never does and the duo is disqualified for going over the allotted time.  In fact, 5 teams are disqualified for the same infraction including Coral/Evan, Tina/Kenny and Katie/Eric, who don't even make it that far at all, what with Katie's smokers' lung and refusal to finish.  Needless to say, Eric is none too pleased.

Shane/Linette emerge as the victors for the second time in a row and, throwing the audience a curveball, choose Katie/Eric to go into exile.  They say the word "fair" about a hundred times in their speech, but everyone pretty much gets that they had it coming.

At deliberations, Tina and Kenny pretty much read the tea leaves and the teams go around, all voting for them.  Tina votes for Wes/Casey before Kenny, in some sort of oddball show of integrity/stupidity, votes for himself.  This causes Tina to flip the eff out and storm off the set, before being nudged back on camera by producers.

The ensuing shouting match does not speak highly of team unity (bringing everything full circle). 

Cristin's two cents:

Due to technical difficulties, Cristin was unable to watch Fresh Meat this week.  Instead of her commentary, here's a picture of New York Mets third baseman David Wright.


Dan's two cents:

I have to say, I'm not really that sad to see Katie/Eric go into exile.  Eric just seems like that big guy who never realizes he's not Chris Farley.  And Katie's funny because she's always drunk, but everyone's always drunk, so that doesn't really distinguish her so much.  As far as Tina/Kenny go, I kind of like Tina, but her blow-up about Kenny's vote was a bit ridiculous.  Getting that upset over it seems a bit much.

The Scoreboard:

Cristin's Blue Iguanas: Katie/Eric; Johanna/Jesse; Tonya/Johnnie; Theo/Chanda; Shane/Linette
Dan's Green Monkeys: Coral/Evan; Melinda/Ryan; Tina/Kenny; Darrell/Aviv; Derrick/Diem

4 points awarded for each competition won, four points deducted for an elimination. 
Cristin's tally: 4 (Shane/Linette victory) 
Dan's tally: 0
Drama-rama (3 points per infraction):
Includes: crying; lovers quarrels; racial/ethnic/other slurs; physical violence; extreme displays of drunkeness (includes falling down, excessive slurring, vomiting); same sex encounters onscreen (worth four points because Dan says so); shown or implied hook-ups (includes make-outs and all forms of bedroom activity).
Cristin's tally: 0
Dan's tally: 0
Loose talk (2 points per phrase):
Includes: "step it up," "balls to the wall," "not a team player," "pull together as a team," "deserves to be here," any reference to effort exerted in excess of 100%
Cristin's tally: 0
Dan's tally: 2 ("pull together as a team" – Kenny)
Cristin's old total: 36

Dan's old total:31

Cristin's new total: 40

Dan's new total: 33

1 comment July 19th, 2006

Reality Eats Itself — The Fresh Meat Challenge: Episode 7

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Cristin writes: 

Going into this episode, both Tonya & Johnnie and Wes & Casey were facing exile. Tonya viciously spits out "my goal is TINA" early on this week, and MTV treats us to some flashbacks to Battle of the Sexes II where Tina yelled at Tonya, who looked much better with longer hair. Linette is sporting a puppy dog crush on Theo — big whoop, so am I — and manages to use every relationship cliche available when describing their situation. She's "getting over a long relationship," "seeing where it goes," and "wants him to respect {her}" as they "take it step by step." The Fresh Meat boys laugh at her, deservedly.

This challenge is called The Incredible Deflating Kayak and involves inflating a kayak, paddling, and deflating it. I get the distinct feeling that Viacomm was letting the interns run the show when this one was planned because it's neither exciting nor difficult. The highlight for me was when Derrik outlined his team gameplan: "Me and D's (sic) strategy is full out intensity. Go, go, go, go." Oh, alright. That clears up a lot. Wes gets DQ'd by putting his foot in the water, which doesn't much matter because Shane and Linette take it home, winning trips for 2 to costa rica and giving Theo another reason to give all of his "respect" to Linette.

Heading into exile, we have a full 13 minutes of the episode left, which makes me foolishly excited and hopeful that something awesome will happen. Nope. Tonya and Johnnie have to carry more than twice the weight that wes and casey do, and also botch both checkpoint challenges. Wes and Casey win easily, prompting an awesome booty dance by Casey who, admittably, really brought the pain this time around. "I have to baby her, and pretend I'm a nice guy," Wes tells us in confidence. Oh, Johanna, you are a lucky girl! For his parting words, Johnnie goes with "The only think I would have done differently would be to switch partners." Another chapter in the gigantic book of Duh.

Cristin's two cents

This seemed like a relatively drama-free episode. I loves me some Theo and I'm glad he's scoring some 18 year old ass, but he's making Linette look like an idiot, which I'm kind of okay with since she wears mascara to the challenges.

Dan's two cents

I'm really beginning to get sick of the whole format of the Exile.  Number one, because it's boring.  Pretty much just a foot race with heavy backpacks with one of those little Mensa brain teasers thrown in for good measure.  Number two, because it's not fair.  Why should it matter how much crap somebody puts in their bag?  I'm sure Tonya's straightjackets weighed a ton, and it's not like she can go without them. 

The Scoreboard:

Cristin's Blue Iguanas: Katie/Eric; Johanna/Jesse; Tonya/Johnnie; Theo/Chanda; Shane/Linette
Dan's Green Monkeys: Coral/Evan; Melinda/Ryan; Tina/Kenny; Darrell/Aviv; Derrick/Diem

4 points awarded for each competition won, four points deducted for an elimination. 
Cristin's tally: 4 (Shane/Linette victory) -4 (Tonya/Johnnie elimination)
Dan's tally: 0
Drama-rama (3 points per infraction):
Includes: crying; lovers quarrels; racial/ethnic/other slurs; physical violence; extreme displays of drunkeness (includes falling down, excessive slurring, vomiting); same sex encounters onscreen (worth four points because Dan says so); shown or implied hook-ups (includes make-outs and all forms of bedroom activity).
Cristin's tally: 6 (Theo/Linette hookup)
Dan's tally: 0
Loose talk (2 points per phrase):
Includes: "step it up," "balls to the wall," "not a team player," "pull together as a team," "deserves to be here," any reference to effort exerted in excess of 100%
Cristin's tally: 0
Dan's tally: 0
Cristin's old total: 30

Dan's old total:31

Cristin's new total: 36

Dan's new total: 31

Add comment July 11th, 2006

Reality Eats Itself – The Fresh Meat Challenge: Episode 6

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Is it wrong to bang a cancer patient?  Wouldn't it kind of cheer her up?  Maybe a little?

These are undoubtedly some of the questions that are dancing through Derrick's head in the opening of Episode 6.  And it's all understandable, of course, given that as far as we can tell Diem is blonde, beautiful and has a heart of pure gold.  While it might be questionable whether the viewing public would want her sullied by Derrick, the notoriously sweaty alcoholic, for some reason the oddball romance is endearing.

Meanwhile, all eyes are on Evan's crotch as he reveals that he has suffered a hernia.  He really shouldn't be doing anything but lying down and icing himself, much less doing all the climbing/running/bunging/oatmeal dumping required by the challenges.  Will he stick it out til the end?  Time will tell.

This week's challenge, Crossing Paths, is one of the most physically demanding we've seen yet.  Basically, there are two platforms connected by a rope.  Below, there is a (presumably very deep) river.  The players need to crawl across the rope and swap platforms, but must cross paths halfway.  This proves to be a pain in the ass.

Highlights from the competition include: Johnny proving himself as awesome by completing the entire length of rope using only his hands and upper body strength and Wes being an ass (shock!) by doing pull-ups before he reaches the end where he unleashes more verbal abuse on Casey.  Half of the teams get DQed when someone falls, and Theo/Chanda beat Coral/Evan, meaning that the perennial winners get their first trip to deliberations where they are (in theory) vulnerable to exile.

Theo and Chanda make the obvious choice and send Wes/Casey into exile, thereby not pissing anyone off.  At deliberations, although a few people throw some votes toward Tina/Kenny (who, curiously, don't seem to be as weak a team as Katie/Eric) it ends up being Tonya/Johnny being sent into exile.   She is not pleased.

The episode ends with a barnburner of a fight between alleged BFFs Tonya and Derrick, with Tonya stating (correctly) that she's pissed with everyone voting for her when there were much more deserving teams.  Derrick gets all defensive, but everyone knows he's wrong.  Including him, probably.

Cristin's Two Cents:

Could there be anyone I love more than Diem? When she got through the challenge by saying that she was going to pretend there were alligators in the water, my heart totally sang. Besides, no one is ever going to be able to vote someone currently undergoing chemotherapy into exile, let alone someone who's as effing awesome as this girl. I really hope she doesn't hit it with Derrik. She's totally Theo-worthy. I also like how Evan described is injury as "an athletic hernia." Yes Evan, we're sure everything you do is athletic. You get Runners Hangnail and Athletes Foot and Sporty Headaches and Jock Itch. You're great. You can do it all. You're Bo Jackson, we get it. Now shut up.

Dan's Two Cents:

I kind of feel bad for Tonya.  I mean, just because a girl's mentally ill doesn't mean she can't be a good competitor.   I'm curious to see how one of the veteran challenge competitor teams does in exile.  I have a feeling Tonya's way stronger than Casey, so Wes/Casey's lucky streak may be coming to an end.

Wes' assy remarks are almost beginning to parody themselves.  That is, they'd be funny because of how exaggerated and persistent they are, but he's still such a douche that it's impossible to extract any joy out of them.  This recent spell of boasting caused my roommate (a pacifist and usually not a Fresh Meat viewer to say "I just want to grab his head and shake it.")

The Scoreboard:

Cristin's Blue Iguanas: Katie/Eric; Johanna/Jesse; Tonya/Johnnie; Theo/Chanda; Shane/Linette
Dan's Green Monkeys: Coral/Evan; Melinda/Ryan; Tina/Kenny; Darrell/Aviv; Derrick/Diem

4 points awarded for each competition won, four points deducted for an elimination. 
Cristin's tally: 4 (Theo/Chanda victory)
Dan's tally: 0
Drama-rama (3 points per infraction):
Includes: crying; lovers quarrels; racial/ethnic/other slurs; physical violence; extreme displays of drunkeness (includes falling down, excessive slurring, vomiting); same sex encounters onscreen (worth four points because Dan says so); shown or implied hook-ups (includes make-outs and all forms of bedroom activity).
Cristin's tally: 0
Dan's tally: 3 (Diem – crying)
Loose talk (2 points per phrase):
Includes: "step it up," "balls to the wall," "not a team player," "pull together as a team," "deserves to be here," any reference to effort exerted in excess of 100%
Cristin's tally: 2 (Johnnie – "pull together as a team")
Dan's tally: 2 (Derrick – "balls out" [close enough])
Side note: Cristin notes that this has been a very balls-ish episode, with Wes using the phrases "she has to grab onto the balls I know she has somewhere" and "everyone in this room has no cajones," in addition to Derrick's comment.
Cristin's old total: 24

Dan's old total: 26

Cristin's new total: 30

Dan's new total: 31

5 comments July 5th, 2006

The More You Know…

News nuggets to get you through your mid-morning slump.

  • Big Brother: All-Stars will be broadcast on Who cares? Well, I kind of do.  Don't judge me.
  • The Sopranos gotta get paid, son.  The cast, who always seem to be haggling for money, has two holdouts in contract negotiations.  Both sides seem to be talking tough about a separation.
  • Ricky Gervais, originator of the British "The Office," is returning to the tube.  Only in England.  And he's not so much seen as he is heard.  Apparently, he just signed a deal to narrate and write a stop-motion animation version of his fantasy book series "Flanimals."  The Flanimals' names are Puddloflaj, Munty Flumple, Clunge Ambler and Grundit.  Yeah, I don't know.
  • Emily De Ravin, aka Claire from Lost, got married to some dude who was apparently in Charlie's Angels 2.
  • In Real World/Fresh Meat news, rumor has it that Melinda has dumped Danny!  I totally hope she threw that corporate-sponsored ring at him.
  • The third and (sigh) final season of Arrested Development will be on DVD August 29 and will feature a bunch of extras including audio commentaries, a behind-the-scenes featurette and bloopers.

Add comment June 30th, 2006

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