I have to admit, in the long months since we last visited the Heroes gang, they haven’t really been in my thoughts. A lot of people really hated the second season but, to me, it was just uninspiring enough to make me not anticipate its return.
However, now that it is back, I’m totally into it. (Although a lot of people with me.)
No matter what you say about the first three episodes of Heroes — it’s overwrought, they’re spreading themselves too thin — you can’t say that they don’t keep the action moving. There’s been death, new characters, deaths of new characters and the beginnings of answers to long-awaited questions (specifically, how did the heroes come into being).
It’s not perfect, but they had to keep things moving along somehow. And as much fun as the first season was, the origins phase can’t last forever. Like the way orienting your concept to reality is the most fun part of a fantasy series, eventually you have to work within your own universe.
I do like the fact that they killed Nikki/Jessica, but found a way to keep Ali Larter out of the bread line. I like evil brunette Claire. However, if I did have any criticisms of the new season, they would be:
For only having had two previous seasons, they shouldn’t be repeating themselves. We’ve already seen the post-apocalyptic decimated cities, we’ve already seen the portents of paintings that show characters’ fates and we’ve already done the flash-forwards to alternate futures.
Time travel is one of my least favorite sci-fi tricks, cut it out. No matter how hard I try, I keep trying to figure out the holes in logic. And it’s hard to not enter into the mindset of “why don’t you just go back in time and fix all the things you ruined.”
They killed off/wrote off the escaped villains too quickly. For a season subtitled “Villains,” I would’ve thought they would have let these guys play around a little more. I was kind of looking forward to a cast of marauding evil-doers — like a jailbreak from Arkham Asylum. As anyone who’s read a comic or seen a comic-inspired movie can tell, a superhero tale is only as good as its villain. They could have had some more fun with this.