TVBC: Project Runway, Doctor Who, Angel
With the Project Runway premiere coming up, Buzz challenged you to match some past designs with their creators. (BuzzSugar)
For this month’s induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame, Angel is paid homage to. (Scooter McGavin’ 9th Green)
And they made the final cut on So You Think You Can Dance and Vance KNOWS you’re bitching about stuff about the Top 4. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace had an exclusive interview with Doctor Who‘s David Tennant, who talked about his legacy to the Doctor Who franchise, the upcoming “End of Time” Christmas Special, and the Doctor’s sartorial choices. (Televisionary)
Dan shared a video about a boy and his fake girlfriend by the band Telekinesis. (TiFaux)
Gareth saw the first episode of FlashForward and, while sworn to secrecy, was quite impressed… (TV Spy)
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