Archive for March 30th, 2009

Unrelated Things

So much to share. Get ready. First of all, how great was Kings, again? I mean, it wasn’t up to the level of the first two episodes, but it was still great. Learning about Gilboa. Everyone manipulating poor Michelle. That thing with the deer in the road. Good stuff! Why is nobody watching this show?

Secondly, tonight marks the return of Greek, another underappreciated-for-superficial-reasons show. I’ve talked a lot about how this show seems to have stolen greatness out of the jaws of mediocrity (metaphor fail), and that is thrown into even greater relief when the ABC Family programming geniuses decide to launch their new this-show-is-so-bad-it-signifies-the-coming-apocalypse sitcom, Roommates, right after Greek. I first heard about the make-your-ears-and-eyes-bleed Roommates during the pre-show entertainment at an IMAX screening of Watchmen. If there’s anything in the world that should NOT be four hundred feet tall with booming advanced sound, it’s the abomination that is Roommates. When you first see a commercial for Roommates you may think you’re watching a mildly clever parody, like one of those cell phone ads where a fake movie is ruined by someone’s ringing phone in a key scene — that’s how generic and creatively bankrupt this concept is. But then you realize that they’re actually serious with this bland Disney-channel-level-of-humor monstrosity, and it all becomes too much. Eventually you start to realize that someone out there was actually in a meeting where someone else pitched Roommates, and that first someone actually said “Yes! Let’s make that one!” And they have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

Ahem. Moving on. How about some free, quality entertainment? Via Vulture, I’ve learned that the great Whit Stillman movie The Last Days of Disco is available on Hulu. It’s not on DVD and out of print on VHS and therefore almost impossible to find, so catch it online while you can! Smart, funny, great times. Chris Eigeman in maybe my favorite of his Whit Stillman/Noah Baumbach roles. Chloe Sevigny before she became a sister-wife. Stop working and watch this movie.

1 comment March 30th, 2009

The Battlestar Galactica Finale: Five gripes

battlestar_finaleIt’s a week later and I think everyone’s kind of built a bit of a consensus around the Battlestar finale. Most of the people I’ve talked to and things I’ve read indicate that people seem to think that the final episode was clearly imperfect, but did the job well enough.

To give the writers some credit, ending Battlestar is an impossible task. Between making the nerds happy (I include myself in this category — I’m the one, after all, with a TV blog) with explosions and space warfare and resolving the character/plot arcs, ending the series seems like a no-win proposition for such a long-running series. (By the way — prepare yourself.  This is exactly what’s going to happen when Lost ends.)

In the end, it was a mixed bag. As such, here’s a list of five things I disliked about the Battlestar finale. I’ll get to the five things I liked later this week (no promises, though. You know me.)

Five things I didn’t like

1.  The Epilogue – I like to think there were always three possibilities for Battlestar in regards to its orientation to our reality (the world of Barack Obama and Hannah Montana and Ellen DeGeneres): the show takes place in the distant past, the distant future or in the present day (the fourth possibility, I suppose, is that our reality doesn’t exist in there’s). And I think that the idea that these folks were our ancestors was always a possibility that floated in the back of my mind.

And that ended up being the case, which was very disappointing. Personally, I didn’t want the worlds to intersect — I’d much rather the Battlestar world stay self-contained and not try to make some grandoise statement by making them our ancestors.

Jane Espensen said that Ron Moore had the vision of Six walking through Times Square in his head from the very beginning. To that, I just have to say that sometimes it’s a good idea to change your mind and rethink you first instincts — because your first instincts aren’t always the best choices.  The last sequence with the dancing robots felt pushy.

Also, getting rid of modern technology – Really? Everyone’s willing to just give up medicine and weapons and transportation? For a show where nothing gets done easily, that was a rather drastic decision made by Lee “Butterfingers” Adama. None of his decisions have ever gone over that well (remember the Baltar trial?).

2. Starbuck disappears – I’m not sure which decision I disliked more, the decision to tie the story into modern day or the decision to just completely cop out on the whole Starbuck mystery. In storytelling in general, there are few things that irk me as much as intentional ambiguity — the whole “we’ll leave it up to the audience to decide” song and dance. What happened was this — they wrote themselves into a corner and they didn’t like any of the options enough — so they just didn’t pick.  I would rather have had an unsatisfactory resolution than none at all.

3. Not enough carnage – I was really expecting fewer people to make it to the end. Not to sound like some sort of bloodthirsty freak, but there seemed to be an endless supply of extras to kill but none of the major characters bit it (I don’t count Tori and Cavil — plus Roslin had to die). I just feel like they needed to up the stakes a bit by having fewer people make it to the end.

4. The Opera House scene – I like that they stuck with the Opera House scene, but in the end I don’t think it really added anything. I’m not sure what they were trying accomplish, besides some ominous foreshadowing (and I’m not sure they planned the finale that far in advance).

5. The fact that nothing really happened in the last hour – I think everyone in the room I watched in was waiting or some other shoe to drop.

1 comment March 30th, 2009

Giveaway: My Boys season one

myboys_cast2_240x260_101920060339And they said it wouldn’t last…  My Boys is coming back for a third season.

Well, I don’t suppose I can cite anyone specifically who said it wouldn’t last, but generally speaking comedies don’t last long. There seems to be an inverse relationship between the quality and longevity of a comedy (hello there, Yes Dear).

In conjunction with the premiere of the third season premiere of My Boys (airing March 31 at 10:30 p.m.), we’re going to be giving away a DVD copy of the show’s first season PLUS an autographed poster.  There’s no splitting this one up — it’s all or nothing!

If you want to win, e-mail us at tifaux -at- gmail -dot- com with the subject line “I’m a ladyman.”

Here’s a teaser of the premiere:

Add comment March 30th, 2009


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