Archive for March 26th, 2009

New Official TiFaux Crush Alert!

I’ve been watching Important Things with Demetri Martin. I started casually checking it out because his article in New York intrigued me, but now I’m totally hooked.


Martin is definitely funny, and I certainly laugh out loud during the show, but it’s a very subtle kind of humor. It’s not Will Ferrell-style jumping, screaming, trident-stabbing-with-belly-fat-hanging-out kind of jokes. Instead he just kind of lays out a few well told observations, sometimes highlighted with a graph or drawing (which he makes with both hands at the same time, which impresses me to no end). So he’s more clever than anything else, and it’s certainly a geeky style of humor—in other words, he’s exactly my type.

There are some sketches, too. At first, I thought they were the weakest part of the show. You can tell that he doesn’t come from a foundation of sketch comedy. To him, the filmed bits are the same as the charts, only with people that speak and move instead of neatly labeled drawings.

A short from a couple weeks ago turned that all around for me. I love this bit. I love how it starts as one kind of joke and builds and evolves into something completely different. What you’re laughing at when the short ends is not what you were laughing at in the beginning, even though the visual is almost exactly the same, and it was impossible to predict that you’d end up there. Check it out:

Important Things with Demetri Martin Wed 10:30pm / 9:30c
Safety – Guy With a Neck Brace
Joke of the Day Stand-Up Comedy Free Online Games

So, yes, I guess you can say that Demetri Martin is angling to be one of my celebrity backup television boyfriends. (Watch out, Topher Grace.) I’d say it’s the combination of ambidexterity (aow!), intellect, and dorkiness that draws me to him—but, if I’m honest, really I think it’s the hair. It reminds me of that mid-’90s rock ‘n’ roll bowl cut. I thought the haircut was adorable back then, and I was heartbroken when it went out of style. Bring it back, Demetri!

More examples of adorable ’90s bowl cuts after the jump.

Click to continue reading “New Official TiFaux Crush Alert!”

2 comments March 26th, 2009

Two days of drunken nerds

Yesterday I featured some drunken historians.  Today, here’s Rachel Maddow boozing it up with Jimmy Fallon.

It’s sad we can’t all have a pocket Maddow to bust out at parties to mix drinks and inspire compelling, liberal cocktail chatter.

Add comment March 26th, 2009

The More You Know: Ikea edition

I have a beautiful red Billy bookcase. I’m only disappointed it doesn’t have a glorious Swedish name.

Add comment March 26th, 2009


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