Three predictions for the end of Battlestar Galactica
This is it, guys. We’ve gone from Cylon attacks every 33 minutes to New Caprica to Starbuck fake-dying to a devastated Earth. And now it all comes to an end.
I’m going to make three predictions for tonight’s series finale of Battlestar Galactica. Surely, I’ll be proven as a fool on Monday morning, but it’s always fun to engage in idle speculation right?
Here we go.
1. The admiral will go down with his ship. I don’t know how Adama can make it out of this alive. Roslin is going to kick soon and it would be too sad to watch him carry on without her and without his ship. I see one of the final images of the series being Roslin and Adama dying aboard an exploding Galactica. I realize the plot doesn’t appear to be going in that direction, but there will clearly be something about transferring power to the younger generation, new beginnings, blah, blah, blah.
2. Apollo and Starbuck will not live happily ever after. They’re going to screw it up somehow — they’re just not the marrying types, no matter how hard they want to be.
3. Hera will still have great hair. This is pretty much guaranteed.
Add comment March 20th, 2009