Archive for March 10th, 2009

Let’s Talk About Kings

It’s only Tuesday. Bummer. I spent a full 12% of my weekend traveling to and from, standing in line for, and watching Watchmen, so I could use another break. In the spirit of giving you (and myself) something to look forward to, let’s talk about the upcoming weekend’s entertainment.

If you’ve been paying attention while fast-forwarding through the commercial breaks of SNL, you may have noticed ads for a new NBC series starring Ian McShane, called Kings. It premieres this Sunday and I’m going to lay it on the line: I think it looks awesome.

Seriously. What the hell is going on? Ian McShane is king of America? Guy with Matt-Damon-teeth saves his son’s life? Ian McShane has built something or other? I have no idea! The only thing I know about this show is that the production films in NY and they freaked people out a while back by driving a tank through Grand Army Plaza. (Read that again: a tank in Grand Army Plaza! Don’t you want to see why that would be necessary?)

Two hour premiere Sunday. Watch it and we’ll discuss next week. I’m hoping it lives up to the great casting and production design.

1 comment March 10th, 2009

A new Ask Tina

I haven’t seen 30 Rock for weeks.  Dear lord I miss it.

At least I have Ask Tina in the meantime.

Add comment March 10th, 2009

Lost’s Kate: I know she’s a very pretty lady, but there are lots of pretty ladies on that island

kate_lostThere’s so much to discuss on any given episode of Lost, that I’m just going to talk about one particular thing that’s been chapping my ass a little bit.  And it’s all about Kate.

On the most recent Sawyer-centric episode, the writers threw a curveball at us by flash-forwarding three years on the island to where Sawyer and Juliet had made a happy home together on the island.  Even though I can’t recall much of a flirtation between the two, by the final ten minutes of the episode Sawyer and Juliet were smooching in the kitchen and exchanging I love yous like Ozzie and Harriet with a grim backstory.

And so, at one point, Sawyer has to tell another island resident that he once loved a woman (Kate) and he let her go. So, when the group shows up at the end of the episode Kate makes an especially dramatic entrance and we’re led to believe that there’s a new love triangle in town.

So herein lies my beef: Kate’s a very pretty lady, but seriously? Juliet’s pretty hot herself (shoulda seen her doing the hot lesbian action with Angelina Jolie in Gia — I mean, if you’re into that) and she’s a smart doctor who’s tough without shrieking about keeping up with the boys. I thought it was kind of annoying that she can just strut her befreckled ass onto the island and suddenly it’s game on again.

Love triangles between ridiculous people are pretty hard to tolerate (Hi Meredith! Hi Derek!), so I was pretty glad when it seemed to be at least narrowed down to Jack and Kate and whether they’d be able to hold it together. I really hope Sawyer and Jack don’t end up getting into another fight over her. Sigh.

6 comments March 10th, 2009

TV on DVD for March 10th, 2009

Title Season
Adventures of Champion, The Best of Season 1
Baron, The The Complete Series
Best Years, The The Complete 1st Season
Caroline in the City The 2nd Season
Cracker The Complete Collection
Family Ties The 5th Season
Get Smart Season 2
Girls Next Door, The Season 4
Only When I Laugh The Ultimate Collection
Red Green Show, The 2001 Season
Samantha Brown: Passport to Great Weekends Season 1
South Park The Complete 12th Season
Starter Wife, The Season 1
Woody Woodpecker Show, The Woody Woodpecker Favorites 

Add comment March 10th, 2009

The More You Know: So… who gets to keep the cat?

Add comment March 10th, 2009


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