Archive for March 5th, 2009

Tina on Jimmy. Not like that, perv.

Here’s Tina Fey on Jimmy Fallon for all y’all who missed it.  You have to skip through the first segment.

1 comment March 5th, 2009

Singin’, dancin’, and the two people who can get away with it

kristin-chenoweth-picture-1First off — let’s start with me saying that we shouldn’t get too excited. I’m a big proponent of having measured expectations (to the point where you have no expectations at all).

But, that said, there’s some very intriguing news from the folks over at FOX. Namely, that Kristin Chenoweth and Victor Garber have been tapped for recurring roles on an upcoming musical comedy called Glee.

In general, I hate musicals.  And I hate musical comedies. It’s one of those gay genes that got lost along the way, like my predilection for gourmet foods and flair for interior design (when it comes to decorating my new apartment, it’s been pretty tough. My roommate and I — we’re very nice people, but we have no taste.).  I suppose it’s due to the fact that I’m so picky about my music that just any schmuck breaking out into song won’t be enough to appease me. And, also, musical comedy singers tend to have that affected, show bizzy voice that just gives me hives.

But Garber and Chenoweth are two folks who can get away with it, I think.

During my brief stint watching Eli Stone, I definitely didn’t mind seeing Victor Garber do the song and dance routine. Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t have the self-satisfied, indulgent quality that I associate with musical theater.And, after her stint on Pushing Daisies, all Kristin Chenoweth has to do is plunk down her tiny ass on a barstool and start singing and I’m instantly charmed.

The show, according to Michael Ausiello, centers on the “worst high school glee club in America.” Michael says that the advanced buzz is good, meaning it will probably follow the Pushing Daisies/Arrested Development model of “critically beloved but commercially lacking.”

The good news, though, is that it could start as soon as this May! Let’s not heap too much hope on it (remember Viva Laughlin?), but doesn’t at least feel good to look forward to a new series?

1 comment March 5th, 2009

The More You Know: Robot overshare!

Add comment March 5th, 2009


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