Archive for March 1st, 2009

The TV Blog Coalition

blackcoalition.jpgDoes Nick “Normund Gentle” Mitchell deserve another chance at the American Idol crown? (BuzzSugar)This week, Sandie shared an interview with the lovely Bridget Regan (Kahlan) from Legend of the Seeker (Daemon’s TV)

A day before it was leaked that NBC was considering bringing back I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! Scooter talked to the original host John Lehr about his experience on the show. (Scooter McGavin’s 9th Green)

Vance loved the season finales for Privileged and Leverage. While Leverage has been picked up for Season 2, here’s hoping Privileged returns too. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace was thrilled by Lost and Damages but also admitted his secret love for animated series like Batman: The Brave and the Bold and Wolverine and the X-Men. (Televisionary)

What’s a hipster to do? Marisa pre-emptively fought back against those who would ridicule her devotion to American Idol. (TiFaux)

This week, the TV Addict offered up his how-to guide for becoming a hugely successful television reporter (The TV Addict)

Raoul talked to Charlie from Hell’s Kitchen about making sauce, hitting the sauce and everything Ramsay. (TV Filter)

After watching the Grey’s Anatomy-Private Practice crossover, Jennifer came to one conclusion: Addison Montgomery needs to go back to Seattle Grace. STAT. (Tube Talk)

Add comment March 1st, 2009


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