We’re all aging. It’s fine.

Posted by Dan July 30th, 2008 at 12:54pm In I have nothing left to give you

As I perused the television news today, I found a photo of Rory Cochrane. At first, I thought “who the hell is that and why does he sound so familiar?”

Then I realized it. Rory Cochrane is the dude from Empire Records who stole all the money and was locked in the office the whole (or most of the) time. Apparently he did a stint on CSI: Miami (he died or got transfered or got deported) and now he’s going to be on the next season of 24.

The strange thing is this: dude’s gotten older. Not old.  But older.

And there’s nothing wrong with aging.  I’m doing it as we speak. And, for the record, I think he’s infinitely more handsome now than he was when he was making Empire Records. But, seriously, can you believe that that movie was made in 1995? And even in 1995 he was kind of the Ian Ziering of the bunch age-wise. The I’ll-suspend-my-disbelief-ever-so-slightly guy who seemed a bit of a stretch to fit into an adolescent drama.


Empire Records, man. With Ethan Embry and that soundtrack with The Cranberries and Coyote Shivers.

Needless to say, my birthday’s next week and I’m going down my usual spiral of shame and anxiety. Pay no mind.

Happy Wednesday.

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. sara  |  July 30th, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    I knew I was getting old when I watched Empire Records and found Anthony LaPaglia hotter than the guy who plays A.J. That was humbling.

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