How they USED to look. Part two.
I’ve decided Lee Pace is pretty cute. I wasn’t sure — not really my type — but I’ve come around. He’s not an out and out dream machine, but I like him as Ned the piemaker — with his reluctant smiles and hands glued to the bottoms of his pockets.
However, he wasn’t always sheepishly clean cut. In fact, seems like he is all over the place appearance-wise. When he’s not on the set, he seems to be quite the ragamuffin.
And here he is as a young pup with an adorable brown mop of hair.
And here he is on Broadway in The Guardians, looking all Glengarry Glen Ross.
Again, not a whole lot of content here, but it’s fun to look at, right?
6 comments January 8th, 2008