Credits Mania

Posted by Maggie November 27th, 2007 at 12:12pm In Chuck

This is an inauspicious way to return to blogging, but I just can’t help grinning every time I watch the credits to Chuck. [kml_flashembed movie="/1azgd809aIY" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Even as the show itself declines in my esteem, the brilliant credit sequence only rises. It’s so… expensive. And elaborate. And catchy. Set to Cake’s “Short Skirt, Long Jacket,” which is a fun song to begin with, it animates its way into my heart despite everything that comes before or after.

It is by far the best credit sequence out there now. Some of my other favorites include House (old-fashioned imagery and a slightly spooky tune), 30 Rock (perfectly captures the zany tone, and the shot of Alec Baldwin makes me laugh every time), and The Wire (same song sung by a different person/group every season, it’s overly long like all HBO credits and the imagery is pretty standard, but it’s a great song).

The worst credit sequence offenses are perpetrated by ABC. They’ve all but done away with credits, and the atrocities that the Lost “credit sequence” unleashed on the world with imitators like Heroes and Reaper can’t be underestimated. Ugly Betty is a cute concept but annoying after one or two viewings. Pushing Daisies, a show flawless in every other regard, has no credit sequence to speak of, only that silly animation. Grey’s Anatomy has all but given up on their doctors-getting-it-on credit sequence in favor of a Lost-ish GREY’S ANATOMY fading into white while a single sequence of notes plinks suggestively.

Then there are the credit sequences that are either brilliant or demented. I’m thinking primarily of the sequence for Weeds, which makes me want to stab my own eyes out. Stop singing that song! ENOUGH! How I Met Your Mother has a fun, brief song that I like most of the time — but once in a while it’s just too much and I can’t handle the chipper friendliness any more. And the less said about the absolutely embarrassing “You know you love me… X O X O” credit sequence for Gossip Girl, the better. Poor, poor Veronica.

Am I missing any brilliant sequences? What are your bests and worsts?

15 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Lee  |  November 27th, 2007 at 12:32 pm

    The Office. Although I hate to be the one to say it – I think the song was better in the British one. But I still enjoy both.

  • 2. sara  |  November 27th, 2007 at 1:01 pm

    Yeah, The Office is just great. Although that one shot of Ryan from the first season is pretty dusty. I like the theme song for Scrubs, so much that I seethe whenever they cut it down to like four seconds. It’s also looking quite old, since the shots are of the cast members back in 1999 or something.

    The Amazing Race has great credits—tigers! boats! Phil!—and you can’t fault the CSIs for their clever use of The Who. You can fault them for many things, but those songs are great. I also like the Without a Trace credits and theme, although they used that musical theme throughout the first season (as in, in every episode, not just in the credits) and I got really sick of it when I was watching on DVD.

    Oh! And last season ER CHANGED THE THEME SONG. After, what, twelve seasons? Crazy. The new one is awful, to go with Abby’s precipitous, icky backslide into alcoholism and whorishness.

    I’m sure Jesse can weigh in on great Saturday Night Live credits concepts of yore, but I kind of like the rooftop barbecue theme they’ve had for a couple of years. Except for Andy Samberg. God, I hate him.

  • 3. Mikey  |  November 27th, 2007 at 1:16 pm

    I have a serious problem with the credits for Battlestar. The reason? Not necesarily because they are lame (which they are), but rather because at the end of the credits they have the silly intense music filled teaser of what will happen in the coming episode. I don’t know about you but I don’t need to see what is happening in the coming episode, that is why I am watching the episode. I’m about to see it. You already have me. I’m a captive audience Teasers on commercials are fine, they get you to watch, but when it is right before the show starts it is annoying! Plus, these teasers often give away key things about the episode that will happen! It’s like, “oh gosh, I am waiting in anticipation for when apollo shoots someone”, or, worse, “wow, it’s nice to know that the cylons are going threaten to kill Baltar in this episode”.

    I’m just not into those kind of spoilers, and especially at the time that they regularly appear on the show. Not cool. Not cool at all. I literally shade my eyes away from the television when they come on because I’m sick of not being surprised.

    Heroes “intro” blows because it attaches a yet unrevealed importance to the eclipse. Just tell us what it means already!!!!

    I can’t wait for American Gladiators to come back to TV, one show that will not be ruined by the writers strike and I’m so excited about it.

  • 4. Mikey  |  November 27th, 2007 at 1:17 pm

    once again Mike’s foray into HTML has ended awkwardly. Only the clause “that is why I am watching the episode” was supposed to be in italics. I ALWAYS FORGET THE BACKSLASH!!!

  • 5. Julia Mathias  |  November 27th, 2007 at 1:30 pm

    I really love Weeds theme song! I can get enough of it and I actually sing along every episode. I like Californication opening and Dexter too. Battlestar Galactica is nice too, i love the song.

    For me the worst ever is Gossip Girl’s. Makes me feel sorry for the person that did it.

  • 6. sara  |  November 27th, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    I agree, Mikey. I cover my eyes when Battlestar tries to ruin the upcoming episode for me. Dear SciFi: Stop spoiling your One Good Show. Also, more movies about pterodactyls. And apologies to Doctor Who fans. Thanks.

  • 7. Kyle  |  November 27th, 2007 at 2:48 pm

    The best SNL opening credit sequence was from the late 90s. The one with the solid-color animated bars, before they turned them into bars with video in them. I can’t find it online, but it was the one before this one

    I was also a fan of the “running all over the city” theme that came before the roof party.

  • 8. Lee  |  November 27th, 2007 at 4:51 pm

    Since it’s on the brain.. Full House is pretty catchy. And everyone wants to find the Full House house while they’re in SF.

  • 9. ekrobi  |  November 27th, 2007 at 6:51 pm

    Freaks and Geeks!

  • 10. loki  |  November 27th, 2007 at 11:40 pm

    The images shown during The Wire’s opening credits are anything but standard, IMHO.

    check out this essay.

  • 11. Maggie  |  November 28th, 2007 at 10:08 am

    I agree that the images from The Wire’s credits are very well-chosen, and they illuminate the themes of the show perfectly, but the method of cutting together scenes from already-shot episodes is not exactly revolutionary in the history of credits. Visually, it’s still a montage — although a very well-done one.

  • 12. Jeremy  |  November 28th, 2007 at 10:11 am

    I gotta second Freaks & Geeks. Perfect music choice with Joan Jett, perfect theme (school photos) which captures the frequent public awkwardness of high school, and every bit manages to give you a capsule description of each character. What more can you ask for?

  • 13. Kate  |  November 28th, 2007 at 2:16 pm

    I’m a little late to the party but how could no one mention the best credits of all time??!?!?!?!
    Wonder. Years.
    Tell me that song is NOT running through your head right now. You’re welcome.

  • 14. Boots  |  November 28th, 2007 at 5:26 pm

    Dexter’s opening credits are pretty awesome.

  • 15. Susie  |  November 29th, 2007 at 10:40 pm

    I totally rocked out to the Buffy theme every time. And sung along to the “dun, pause dun, pause DUN” at the end.

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