Tonight on the TiFaux: More Adam Monroe Please
Posted by Maggie November 12th, 2007 at 02:00pm In Chuck Heroes How I Met Your Mother
An abbreviated line-up. Busy busy busy!
Looks like it’s going to be a flashback episode of Heroes, which I know some people think is happening too late in the season, but I’m still curious what happened — even if it means delaying my Adam Monroe questions for another week. Chuck is hanging on to the list by a tiny, tiny thread. Make me care, Chuck. Make me care. And How I Met Your Mother — please allow me to stop hating Lily and Marshall. I’m begging you. Let’s just never speak of their 18% mortgage ever again, okay?
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming: Billy Crystal gets the Kennedy Center Mark Twain award, whatever that is, on PBS tonight. Also, Heather spoke convincingly about the merits of Darkon, on IFC at 9:00.
1 Comment Add your own
1. maggie's dad | November 12th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
The Kennedy Center Mark Twain award is the most prestigious (the only prestigious) award made to comic writers. Previous honorees include Steve Martin, Lorne Michaels, Neil Simon, Bob Newhart, Whoopi Goldberg, Lily Tomlin, and Jonathan Winters, Carl Reiner.
It is usually a very entertaining show.
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