Pink: The Series

Posted by Kyle November 5th, 2007 at 10:58am In Internets TV

Recently featured on the YouTube homepage, guaranteeing a lot of views, Pink: The Series is the rare YouTube video that satisfies most of the requirements I laid out when I started my Internets TV posts. The major exception is rule #3: “The credit sequence cannot take up more than 1/3 of the running time.” Every 3 minute episode begins with a snazzy 30 second animated opening and ends with 30 seconds of “next time on” and credits. I realize that it’s important to give people credit for their work, but it makes actually watching the series a real chore.

Also making it a chore is the in-between-credits parts. It’s exceptionally well shot, but each episode takes a very small amount of time to parcel out a very small amount of information. It’s like watching the first episode of Lost 2 minutes at a time. And unfortunately the sound does not match the quality of the picture. It really undercuts the work that went into the rest of the production. The final nail in the coffin though was Episode 3 when the heroine indicated her desire for a baby by repeatedly cupping her crotch. Ladies is that what you do when your biological clock starts ticking like Mona Lisa Vito’s?

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