It’s not broken! Fix it! Spread it thin!
Posted by Dan October 30th, 2007 at 01:04pm In The Office
TV Guide reports that there will be a spin-off of The Office. Quoth Mr. Ausiello:
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, NBC may be about to pay a major compliment to Grey’s Anatomy. Multiple sources confirm to me exclusively that the Peacock is developing an episode of The Office that would introduce several new characters who would then be spun off into a new series à la Private Practice.
However, unlike Practice, which stole Grey’s regular Kate Walsh to anchor the new series, the proposed Office 2 is not expected to include any of the mother ship’s core cast. In fact, producers are already casting about for a “name” to headline the potential show.
Oh, the possibilities!
I remember Mindy Kaling saying a while ago that she thought Amy Poehler would be a great crazy boss of Dunder Mifflin. Maybe they’ll snatch her off SNL? Maybe they’ll get another Daily Show alum like Rob Corddry (and he could have his little brother on the show).
This could be a great thing or a tragic thing — I’m not sure which. Thoughts?
8 Comments Add your own
1. S. Sitwell | October 30th, 2007 at 1:27 pm
I’m not optimistic.
sara | October 30th, 2007 at 1:30 pm
Okay, this could be CSI: Miami levels of crap, or it could be…um…Rhoda? Frasier? Melrose Place? I’m kind of concerned. Maybe if they make it a call center (hey, the call center episode was funny!) or something as ridiculous as a paper company but don’t rip off the entire bad boss–sycophant–hot rebellious employees–wacky peripheral characters model… Yeah. They’re going to fuck it up.
3. emily | October 30th, 2007 at 1:43 pm
i wonder what ricky gervais is thinking now…
4. Mikey | October 30th, 2007 at 2:19 pm
I’m all for it.
5. jesse | October 30th, 2007 at 3:48 pm
Networks can demonstrate not getting it even when seeming to get it. NBC has basically four sitcoms, right now, eh? And they’re all good, and they all air together. They each have a fairly distinct voice and flavor. So their solution is not to encourage more comedies with a voice as strong as 30 Rock, The Office, My Name is Earl, or Scrubs, but to ask one of their best shows to accomodate spin-offable characters for a companion rip-off.
I mean, maybe it could be good, but if they’re only going to air about four comedies at a time (what with Scrubs about to end), they should be looking for more stuff on the order of Andy Barker, PI, not trying to imitate their own success.
6. Mikey | October 30th, 2007 at 5:30 pm
I think there is a lot of potential for shows based on the “in the office” premise. The original office has become extremely character driven, and less premise driven. The premise itself has so much potential, so many different ways to go. Basically, I think there is still a lot of potential for another extremely entertaining show about what we all do during the day.
I have faith in the writers of this show. Much more faith in the writers of this show than those hacks who write for Grey’s anatomy. I mean COME ON! You can’t compare the two! The comparison itself is an insult. If you look at it through the eyes of private practice it will obviously suck. I have faith until I see it and it sucks and I don’t have faith. But I don’t think that is going to happen.
-My two cents.
7. sarah | October 31st, 2007 at 12:13 am
Aww, man. Spin-offs make me queasy. I wouldn’t rule out an second office working well. I mean, season 1 of the original flailed about for a while, trying to ape the British model, and look where it’s gone. But a second office would have to find it’s own distinctive voice, and quick, because I have a feeling the fans wouldn’t be very patient with it.
8. Rebecca | October 31st, 2007 at 1:51 am
I don’t love the idea because network exploitation leads to things like subpar, stretched-thin “Supersize” episodes that dilute the quality of the product.
However, if they really had to spin off the show, I guess they could always bring back the Stamford branch.
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