Archive for October 18th, 2007

Tonight on the TiFaux: Insert Witticisms Here

I’m on a deadline today and don’t have time for the cute stuff. Here’s your TV, straight up.

It’s the season premiere of Viva Laughlin, the musical show. Despite my early enthusiasm, I’m going to have to admit that this is going to be bad. But there’s no way I’m not watching.

Steve Buscemi guest stars on 30 Rock.

The Office plants another hour-long episode on us. I’m in the “tired-of-this” camp (see sidebar poll). Michael declares bankruptcy.

Does not compute: James Van Der Beek guest stars on Ugly Betty.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming: I did it. I gave up Grey’s Anatomy. Deleted it from the list. You may congratulate me now.

1 comment October 18th, 2007

30 Rock: How much is too much?

I have to admit, there’s a little tremor of worry going through me about 30 Rock.

After the season premiere, they showed a teaser for the upcoming season about all the guest stars they have lined up for the coming season. After Jerry Seinfeld, the guest list includes Al Gore, Steve Buscemi, Meredith Vieira, Edie Falco — they’re even taking David Schwimmer out of deep-freeze for a stint.

Of course, they’ve had guest stars in the past and it has worked out fine. I’m thinking about Isabella Rossellini and Paul Reubens, mostly. But I really dread the show turning into a latter day Will and Grace, where they have someone new on every week for no real reason. The Seinfeld stint did have one cringey moment where Jerry turned to the camera to directly plug his movie — a gag that I’m used to seeing on awards shows and would think 30 Rock could do better than.

But whatever. I’m sure they can pull it off with T-Fey at the helm.

I just thought I’d worry everyone unnecessarily.

To make it better, you can watch this clip of 30 Rock winning the Emmy.[kml_flashembed /buItA-iOkrk" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

2 comments October 18th, 2007

The More You Know: Romy and Michelle edition

That was a really good movie.

2 comments October 18th, 2007


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