Tonight on the TiFaux: Monday Already?
Sports fans, that was some kind of horrible Red Sox game Saturday. I watched the middle (which was great), went to sleep, woke up with horrible shoulder pain and watched most of the end (which was dreadful, as was the shoulder pain — I kept thinking I had deep vein thrombosis because of goddamn Gregory House; thankfully, I am recovered). Hopefully they’ll bounce back tonight.
Though I don’t hate Chuck as much as my dad, and last week’s episode was almost pretty good, I am close to running out of patience with its too-frequent slackness. For this week, it keeps its season pass.
How I Met Your Mother has been on a hot streak lately. The tricycle episode was phenomenal, except for Robin’s stupid sub-plot.
Totally forgot to add Aliens in America to the list last week. Oopsie!
Speaking of sitcoms, there’s a new one tonight: Samantha Who? starring Christina Applegate as an amnesiac who finds out she was a terrible person, at 9:30 on ABC. I’ve heard good things about it, despite the fact that it’s a sitcom on ABC. I’ll be checking it out for sure.
Heroes seems to be spinning its wheels a bit: keeping Hiro in Japan and Peter in Ireland and Sylar in the middle of nowhere and the Creepy Twins south of the border, shuttling characters back and forth without a discernible purpose (Mohinder, Parkman, the Haitian, Nikki, Micah). I feel like we need an OH WOW moment pretty soon. Maybe when Kristen Bell finally appears?
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming: The Salt-n-Pepa Show debuts on VH1, for those looking to kill their nostalgia for the early nineties.
1 comment October 15th, 2007