Archive for October 15th, 2007

Tonight on the TiFaux: Monday Already?

Sports fans, that was some kind of horrible Red Sox game Saturday. I watched the middle (which was great), went to sleep, woke up with horrible shoulder pain and watched most of the end (which was dreadful, as was the shoulder pain — I kept thinking I had deep vein thrombosis because of goddamn Gregory House; thankfully, I am recovered). Hopefully they’ll bounce back tonight.

Though I don’t hate Chuck as much as my dad, and last week’s episode was almost pretty good, I am close to running out of patience with its too-frequent slackness. For this week, it keeps its season pass.

How I Met Your Mother has been on a hot streak lately. The tricycle episode was phenomenal, except for Robin’s stupid sub-plot.

Totally forgot to add Aliens in America to the list last week. Oopsie!


Speaking of sitcoms, there’s a new one tonight: Samantha Who? starring Christina Applegate as an amnesiac who finds out she was a terrible person, at 9:30 on ABC. I’ve heard good things about it, despite the fact that it’s a sitcom on ABC. I’ll be checking it out for sure.

Heroes seems to be spinning its wheels a bit: keeping Hiro in Japan and Peter in Ireland and Sylar in the middle of nowhere and the Creepy Twins south of the border, shuttling characters back and forth without a discernible purpose (Mohinder, Parkman, the Haitian, Nikki, Micah). I feel like we need an OH WOW moment pretty soon. Maybe when Kristen Bell finally appears?

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming: The Salt-n-Pepa Show debuts on VH1, for those looking to kill their nostalgia for the early nineties.

1 comment October 15th, 2007

The season thus far…

I’m swamped, you guys.

I’ve got all this stuff backlogged on my TiFaux and it’s just sitting there taunting me. It’s all “Hey there, blog nerd. Bit off more than you can chew, eh? [ed note: my TiFaux is Canadian] You thought you’d stay on top of all the big shows so you can be in-the-know, so you can expand the blog empire. But it’s going to take you forever to watch all this stuff. Forget that social life you were trying to sustain.”

It’s true. There’s so much I haven’t watched. The upshot of this is that I feel like I can honestly rank the shows I enjoy the most by what I’ve watched.  So, based on this and other factors, here’s my breakdown of the fall season thus far:

Shows I watch to punish myself:

  • The Bionic Woman
  • Chuck
  • Private Practice

Shows I watch almost immediately after they air:

  • The Office
  • 30 Rock
  • Heroes
  • Survivor
  • Desperate Housewives (I’m just as surprised by this as you are.)
  • The Biggest Loser (I know. Shut up.)

Shows I’ve abandoned:

  • Grey’s Anatomy (!)
  • House
  • Gossip Girl

Shows that are becoming new favorites:

  • Dirty Sexy Money
  • Pushing Daisies
  • Reaper

Shows that I’d totally watch, but I need to make time to go outside:

  • Cane

I should really just drop the money to get Showtime

  • Dexter
  • Weeds

So, this week I’ll be give you more in-depth analyses of these shows, particularly Pushing Daisies, Dirty Sexy Money and The Bionic Woman.  Should be fun, right?

I don’t know, hopefully.

4 comments October 15th, 2007

The More You Know: Lupine edition


2 comments October 15th, 2007


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