Tonight on the TiFaux: The Bluths in Manhattan
Posted by Maggie October 3rd, 2007 at 02:00pm In Dirty Sexy Money Gossip Girl Top Chef
A great surprise last week: Dirty Sexy Money.
Peter Krause makes everything look interesting, and the cast of wackies they’ve pulled together for the crazy rich family, the Darlings, are all compelling in their own way. Parts of it reminded me vividly of Arrested Development, actually, especially the family meeting at the beginning where everyone’s drunk and arguing. Of the troubled Darlings, I think the philandering, hate-filled priest, Brian, is particularly fascinating. The whole thing is very promising, and I can’t wait to see where they’re going with it. Let me know if you agree.
Of course, I haven’t seen Pushing Daisies yet, so in all likelihood, I don’t know what a good pilot really looks like. Basically, you must watch Pushing Daisies, or you will go to TV Hell, which only shows repeats of According to Jim. And oh my god, the pilot is called “Pie-lette.” He makes pies, get it? Seriously, though, I am pretty excited about this.
Oh man, Bionic Woman. I had so many problems with the pilot I barely know where to start. The writing was sloppy, everything happened so fast so we didn’t care about any of the people, why was anyone doing anything, and so much more I’ve already blocked out. I’m giving it another week or two to get on track, because I really want to like it, but it’s not looking good.
Casey, Hung, and Dale face off in the finale of Top Chef, which I egregiously omitted from last Wednesday’s TotT. Will Casey’s food with soul triumph over Hung’s technically mastery? Why is Dale still in this competition?
Gossip Girl continues. I actually think I may have to put this one out to pasture. My Wednesday can only hold so many absurdly rich people from the Upper East Side, and Dirty Sexy Money has a slight edge right now — and some great actors (Dan Humphrey, you are not forgiven. Especially because they keep showing that one line in the “previously on…”).
South Park premieres its 11th season, and in case you haven’t seen the incessant promos, Cartman is diagnosed with Tourette syndrome. Helpful TiFaux hint: with the Top Chef/Dirty Sexy Money time slot conflict, Kyle is ingeniously taping the midnight rerun.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming: Memo to Kid Nation: I’m not taping you, but I’m hoping everything’s going all right in your crazy manipulative ghost town. Someone will let me know if Sophia gets a crush on Greg, right?
4 Comments Add your own
1. WT | October 3rd, 2007 at 3:12 pm
Actually if you watch the trailer on CBS it shows Sophia and Greg fighting and Sophia calling Greg a (the) Village idiot.
Maggie | October 3rd, 2007 at 9:15 pm
In the show I’m imagining in my head, it’s all a cover for her deep feelings for him. But in real life, she’s probably not as easily crush-ified as I was when I was 14.
Kyle | October 3rd, 2007 at 9:17 pm
Well then she definitely likes him.
4. michaelrbn | October 5th, 2007 at 2:22 pm
Forget Kid Nation. Pushing Daisies is officially the best new show of the season. Looks like my tv husband Milo Ventimiglia has some new competition.
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