Heroes: The oldies and the newbies
Posted by Dan October 3rd, 2007 at 12:03pm In Heroes
We’re elbow-deep in the new season of Heroes and the gang has, unsurprisingly, gotten themselves mixed up in all sorts of shenanigans. Claire and fam have relocated to another anonymous suburb, Mohinder is still wandering the earth in search of the meaning of it all and the writers have used the creative crutch of amnesia to give Peter’s adventures some more depth.
And Nathan has a beard. Yowza! Swarth-o-riffic!
I wish I had watched Alias so I could be as excited as the rest of you.
I suppose I’m digging Hiro’s new storyline in ancient Japan. It reminds me of two forgettable movies. The first is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Part III (not the first one and not the one with Vanilla Ice. The other one.), which set its story in a similar time frame. Sadly, the knowledge I gleaned from TMNT3 is really all I know about ancient Japan. And that knowledge is limited to: they wore funny hats. The other movie the storyline reminds me of is the Heath Ledger lead balloon called A Knight’s Tale. Admittedly, one is medieval England and the other is old school Japan, but David Anders reminds me of Paul Bettany’s character (in personality and looks) and they both seem to have an anachronistically tart sense of humor. Zany, some might say.
While we are all happy to welcome back our old friends, we do have some new super-powered friends. There’s Mohinder’s friend, the Golden-Fingered Nerd played by Stephen Tobolowsky. You might remember Stephen from his role in everything ever filmed. I also really like the plot with the Spanish Wonder Twins of Death. Although subtitles are hard to read when you’re sleepy, this seems like a mystery that I would enjoy seeing unfold over the season.
I’m in yr window. Lookin at yr toez.
It’s not all rosey, though, as far as new characters. I’m not necessarily sold on Flying Stalker Emo Boy. He’s like a gaunter, straighter, less dorky Zach (remember him?). If all he can do is fly and not be able to stay out of other people’s bee’s wax, then we may as well just strap wings on Nancy O’Dell.
Actually, that sounds terrifying.
Other things I would like to see addressed in the coming episodes:
- D.L. is dead, isn’t he? Come on. We can take it.
- Sylar? Presumably hanging out in the sewer. Getting stronger. Eating some rats.
- Nikki/Jessica. Will we grow to care?
- Where is our Kristen Bell?
- What’s Irish girl’s superpower? And will the Irish accents improve over time or continue to be moderately distracting?
I haven’t been watching Heroes (which is sad because I did love Alias and David Anders) but in the promos, I thought Claire’s new emo stalker was nerdy not-gay-nope-totally-not-gay BFF Zach. I had to look him up to find out that he’s actually Jan’s ex-assistant Hunter (“Good luck with your band”) from The Office. So emo! So shaggy! And apparently, so stalky!