Tonight on the TiFaux: Mostly a Warning
Warning: Avert Your Eyes! Cavemen, the sitcom based on the Geico cavemen ads, premieres tonight on ABC. Be very careful, everyone, and keep your finger poised to change the channel at any moment. Carpoolers premieres directly after that, and while it doesn’t look nearly as bad (and I kind of like Jerry O’Connell — what?), it’s still one of my first picks for early cancellation. Besides, I can’t watch either of these because of the House/Reaper juggernaut clogging up the tifaux.
Yay House and his class full of people to make fun of! House is my one true procedural, and it goes to great lengths to break up the formula whenever possible. That’s one of the reasons I like it so much. The other reasons: great writing, and Hugh Laurie.
Reaper gets a season pass (and a category tag) based on last week’s premiere. I’m a little concerned it’s going to rely too heavily on a “monster-of-the-week” formula, but if the characters are engaging enough (and Ray Wise creepy enough), I’ll go with it. And as long as it doesn’t have a second-week fall-off like Chuck (seriously, Chuck needs to get a b-story, and quick), I think we’ll be all right.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming: I miss last year’s Tuesdays. Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars and House all together? We were so full of witty repartee we practically became Noel Coward by the end of the night. Those were the days.
2 comments October 2nd, 2007