Archive for October 1st, 2007

Tonight on the TiFaux: Chuck, Chris, Ted, Heroes, and Others

The dust has settled on most of the big premieres, and I’m excited to add some shows to my series pass this week. First up is Chuck, which in my opinion was the one of the top three pilots so far (for those keeping score at home, the others are Reaper and Dirty Sexy Money).

himym.jpgThat show is nicely complemented by How I Met Your Mother (absurd publicity photo, left). The slap bet countdown is real.

Unfortunately that means that I don’t have space for Everybody Hates Chris. Sorry, EHC! I don’t actually hate you.

But I will have the space in the 8:30 slot to check out the controversial Aliens in America. I expect to feel about it much the same way as I do Everybody Hates Chris: probably good stuff, but not a tragedy if it were to get pre-empted by a joint session of Congress.

Then there’s Heroes, where Nikki and Micah return (great…) and we learn more about Claire’s weird flying stalker. Question for the crowd: Have they really started repeating abilities (if so, sad — I liked the uniqueness), or is Stalkerboy’s ability somehow different than Nathan’s?

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming: Yes, this means I’ve abandoned Journeyman. I understand there were some surprising twists, and it seemed to have a spark of something, but I don’t care for the guy and I don’t care what it all means. Someone can tell me what happens later.

3 comments October 1st, 2007

The More You Know: Infomercial edition

I had no idea how many egg dishes I needed to make.

Add comment October 1st, 2007


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