Archive for July 19th, 2007

Who Would Win in a Fight: Heidi Klum vs. Padma Lakshmi

Okay, I don’t think this was a fair fight. Probably more of a popularity contest, wouldn’t you say? Last week, The Office’s Jan Levinson whooped the hell out of Food Network’s Sandra Lee. Admittedly, I think she would probably win in the end just by virtue of her relative brawn, but if Tim Gunn can almost beat Anderson Cooper then Sandra could definitely do some more damage than the TiFaux readership gives her credit for.

Come on, guys.

Anyway, moving on. This week we’re revisiting Project Runway, but pairing it with its reality stepchild Top Chef. Who would win if we pitted hostesses Heidi Klum and Padma Lakshmi against each other.


Heidi Klum


  • Has endured childbirth three times — high tolerance for pain
  • German
  • Strong legs from runway strutting


  • Not much upper body strength
  • Girly girl
  • Smiley

Secret Weapon: Fierce maternal instincts

Padma Lakshmi


  • Married (well, separated) from Salman Rushdie, so she can’t be easily intimidated
  • Not merciful
  • Deadpan delivery


  • Delicate sensibilities
  • Seems sadder than Heidi when eliminating contestants. A sign of weakness.
  • Hosts a second banana show to Project Runway

Secret Weapon: Badass scar

Who would win in a fight?

1 comment July 19th, 2007

Emmy nominations: My two cents

Five things to be happy about in respect to this year’s Emmy nominations.

  1. Everybody Loves Raymond isn’t on television anymore, so it can’t win anything. Hooray!
  2. Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List got nominated.
  3. Lots of fun surprises in the supporting categories including Jenna Fisher, Michael Emerson (Ben from Lost), Rainn Wilson and Masi Oka.
  4. Battlestar did get some directing and writing nominations.
  5. Guest star nominations for Laurie Metcalf and Sir Ian McKellan.

Five things to not be happy about in respect to this year’s Emmy nominations.

  1. There’s at least one entry in pretty much every category that is going to fill me with dread. That is, there are four nominees I wouldn’t mind winning and then one stinker. I’m looking at you, Boston Legal.
  2. Two and a Half Men continues to fill up the comedy categories.
  3. I swear to God that Patricia Arquette has sold her soul to the devil for all these Emmy nominations.
  4. No Veronica Mars.
  5. No Dexter.

2 comments July 19th, 2007

Emmy Nomination Time

The Emmy nominations were announced this morning, and it’s the usual bag of regulars. The good news is that the Emmys llluuuuurrrveeee 30 Rock. The bad news is that these are the same people that insist upon nominating Two and Half Men in every category it’s eligible.

Worst category? Best actress in a drama. I don’t watch any of those shows.

Favorite underdog? Neil Patrick Harris, best supporting actor in a comedy.

Make up some categories and add to the opinionation in the comments!

2 comments July 19th, 2007

The More You Know: Bloated edition

Can you handle all this pent-up news? Well, can you?

Add comment July 19th, 2007


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