Nikki/Jessica: Why she shouldn’t exist
I've made some noise about this before, but I really feel the need to drive it home — the Niki/Jessica plotline on Heroes should really just quietly disappear.
Here's my first problem with the situation, which I think is the problem most people have with it — Niki doesn't really have a superpower as much as she just has a psychological disorder. Multiple personalities disorder might be exotic, but it's hardly tantamount to bending time and space. Maybe they should feature me on the show for my amazing ability be compulsively 15 minutes early to everything or to have small panic attacks after the time change in the fall.
Of course her other personality is kind of superhero-y, what with the kung-fu fighting and the limb-tearing, but when you compare it to the gift of flight, it's kind of disappointing.
The other big reason for getting rid of Niki is that the storyline is just nowhere near as interesting as the Petrelli brother hijinx, Claire's web of deception or Hiro's adorable little quests. Coupled with her perplexingly bland sorta-husband and her wiseguy son, the whole plotline just sinks. (By the way, I really don't like that kid. He's always wearing this expression of smug disappointment. As far as precocious/wise beyond his years kids go, he's not as off-putting as certain other NBC child actors, but I'm still not digging him.)
Niki's crappiness is no fault of Ali Larter, who does what she can with the role. It's always fun to watch the panic-stricken Niki transform into uber-confident/aloof Jessica. Her face sinks and her tone drops into Jessica Rabbit territory.
Maybe she'll get more interesting when/if she gets involved with other heroes. Aside from knockin' boots with Nathan Petrelli, she hasn't really mingled with the rest of the crew.
1 comment January 31st, 2007