Archive for December 7th, 2006

I’m Sick of Your Shit: Marc Horowitz

The whole idea behind this blog is that we have the DVR technology that allows us to skip over those pesky commercials. But sometimes you just can't wait through three minutes of silence to watch Veronica Mars, or everything on your List is old and the only thing on is a Friends repeat on TBS.

That's when you're going to run into one Marc Horowitz. That's the Nissan corporate site. He also has "blog," which is apparently supposed to be "not corporate."


First of all, there is no Marc Horowitz. I think we can all agree on this, yes? Marc Horowitz is played by an actor hired by Nissan to pretend to make a very stupid movie about how he lives in his car for a week. The fact that they expect us to believe in him is insulting. If he does exist, he clearly has no soul, so all the mean things I'm about to say about him are okay.  

Marc's existence or lack thereof aside, I'm still incredibly sick of his shit.

His chipper grin. The adorably quirky ways he deals with the limitations of living in a car. The casual way he addresses us, like we're all just stumbling upon him on youtube. Those flipflops. That ridiculous sprinkler he uses to shower.

I'm just going to go ahead and say it: Marc Horowitz is a douchebag.

There is nothing funny or interesting about these ads. Every time I hear Marc cheerfully introducing himself ("hey, it's me, Marc Horowitz… it's the fifth day of me living in my Sentra…") I want to impale myself on something. I start to hope that maybe a Sentra will crash into my apartment and put me in a coma. Or that Marc's car will get mad at him and start pumping CO2 through his air conditioner while he's sleeping.

I remind you that it's okay for me to say that, because he doesn't exist and/or is soulless.

So. Stop please, fake Marc. And in conclusion: DO NOT buy a Nissan Sentra.



3 comments December 7th, 2006

It’s an honor just to be nominated

Hey kids, your favorite DVR-themed blog is a finalist for the 2006 Weblog awards!

The 2006 Weblog Awards

We are in the culture category along with

The Cool Hunter
Ain't It Cool News
Tucker Max
Global Culture
Tom Watson
The Jay
Pop Candy
Tifaux <———— That's Us!

It's times like this where I wish we had chosen a name that was more alphabetically advantageous. From now on, maybe we'll go by !Tifaux.

Unfortunately I think we're going to have to make Jace over at Televisionary our new arch nemesis, if only because I don't know any of those other blogs except Ain't it Cool News and making Harry Knowles your arch nemesis is just too easy. Jace: You're on notice.

3 comments December 7th, 2006

What is going on? Is this 1952?

So we've all heard too much about Michael Richards and his racist debacle, right?  Well, apparently that word isn't just for former sitcom sidekicks anymore.

davis1.jpgNow, I didn't watch it, but apparently The Real World had a crazy racism episode last night.  The Real World, which hasn't been watchable since New Orleans, has basically gone from experiment where twentysomethings learn to respect each others differences to a loud, drunk, entitled romp where people try to make as many dangerous mistakes per minute as possible.  On last night's episode, handily recapped by Reality Blurred, one white cast member calls a black member the n-word.

And you want to know the worst part?  It was the gay guy.

Now I know what my mom means when she says she feels embarassed when a jew does something bad and it gets on the news.  

1 comment December 7th, 2006


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