Lost: Someone’s gonna die

Posted by Dan October 30th, 2006 at 09:58am In Lost

Although they didn't say anything on the teaser after last week's show, the new promos for this Wednesday's Lost say that someone's going to get it.

Have a look-see.

Now, the question is: who will it be?

Here are my top three contenders (in no particular order):

1. Eko – the next episode features his flashbacks, so maybe they're going to tidy up his backstory before giving him the pink slip.  Plus, he's still in rough shape from the hatch blast, so maybe it'll be a Boone-esque slow death. Also boding in his favor: I think it's probably time for a man to die, as the ladies have gone three in a row.

2. Jin – it seems like Sun and Jin are untouchable because they're married.  And for some reason, it seems worse to kill married people.  I still think they can't kill a pregnant person, but I think they could throw us a curveball and kill Jin.  He is rarely involved in a lot of plots simply because of the language barrier.  Plus, he is a Y chromosome.

3. Juliet – yeah, she just got here.  And, yeah, she'd be another dead blonde.  But I have a feeling she's not going to last long, a la Libby.

Anyone else have an idea? 

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Maggie  |  October 30th, 2006 at 10:17 am

    How about Ben/Henry? He’s probably the one with the spine tumor, right? And then what would the others do withotu their tiny little evil dictator?

    Actually, I like your Eko idea best.

  • 2. jesse  |  October 30th, 2006 at 11:54 am

    Ugh, killing Eko would be retarded. That would leave how many tailies left? Rose’s husband? They found a clever way to introduce new characters last season, but now — especally if they kill Eko — it seems like they were just doing that so they can play around with the quasi-shock of killing a “main” character without actually killing anyone major. Weak.

    Further, Eko is one of the coolest characters on the show. Losing him means losing badassery. Of your choices, I really hope it’s Jin.

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