A conclusion to the day of darkness
Posted by Maggie October 26th, 2006 at 10:26pm In General
Dudes and dudettes, it was a tragic/celebratory Thursday here at TiFaux. On the one hand, there was no access to the site all day. On the other hand, it was because we exceded our bandwidth. (Which is neat.) On the negative side, I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to post about. On the positive, I can post about it now.
- NBC is bringing back comedy Thursdays, with My Name is Earl, The Office, Scrubs, and 30 Rock. Speaking of which, I hope everyone caught 30 Rock on Wednesday. Best episode yet. Kenneth Ellen the page went toe-to-toe with Alec Baldwin and held his ground. This show is starting to be as good as I want it to be.
- Which, of course, I still can't say for Studio 60. I've been obsessively reading the comments to The Hater's similar tirade (and, yes, I commented, I couldn't help it), and my anger is starting to spill over from the show itself to the Studio 60 apologists. It reminds me of the feeling you get trying to debate Republicans, or ideologues of any stripe (Studio 60 apologists tend to be on the very liberal end of the spectrum, but it's the same idea). They're not actually critiquing the show, they're focused on the idea of the show, and they seem to think that people who criticize the show are against "intelligent" entertainment, which is so far from the truth it's practically on another planet. Television is absolutely capable of being better than this. Just watch better shows. They're out there, I promise. But I have to stop now, or I'm going to start crying or hitting something.
- On a more cheerful note, the actor who plays Hiro on Heroes is a computer effects programmer for ILM. This is surprising to absolutely no one, but increases the actor's charmingness by a factor of four.
- Also from Wired: "Gown removed carelessly. Head, less so." That's Joss Whedon's 6-word story; other luminaries write more, but Joss's is my favorite.
- The "Best New Show" sidebar poll is racking up some serious votes, in our meagre standards. It was quite a horse race for a while between Dexter and Heroes. I feel guilty: I voted for Heroes on two different computers. I just couldn't bear to see it beaten by Showtime. So you have my permission to go ahead and use your coworkers' computers to stack the votes whatever way you want. And will someone please give some love to 30 Rock?
- Dan is a graphing genius.
I'm so glad we're back.
6 Comments Add your own
Dan | October 27th, 2006 at 9:01 am
I just watched 30 Rock from Wednesday, having only previously seen the pilot. I have to admit, had I seen this episode before doing my *genius* graph, I would have put the show much further in the funny direction. I was pleasantly surprised that there were some really inspired moments, like the exclamation “Everything’s the worst!”
My one fear is that the humor is too subtle for mass consumption. I have a feeling that if you read each script, it would almost be funnier than watching it performed.
2. Katie | October 27th, 2006 at 9:09 am
I’m glad you’re back, too. I almost emailed you yesterday to ask where the hell you people were.
I very much enjoyed the last 30 Rock.
Who added Brothers and Sisters to the side poll? I’ve never met someone who knows anyone who’s watched that show.
3. sara | October 27th, 2006 at 10:51 am
I think our TiFaux might explode with the new all-comedy Thursday lineup.
4. Liz | October 27th, 2006 at 11:50 am
30 Rock definitely took a big step forward in terms of funniness this week…I just hope they can keep it up!
5. JayB | October 27th, 2006 at 11:54 am
Re: Studio 60
If Sorkin wants to continue ripping on the Christian Right and Reality genre programming, I say good for him. I don’t get the feeling Sorkin is saying there isn’t ANY good television, just maybe not enough of it on network TV and more importantly, people aren’t actually watching the good stuff (Dancing with the Stars anyone?). YYMV as far as that is concerned but it’s his show and his views, don’t like them that’s fine. Tune out if your hatred is becoming so pathological.
My only beef with the show is that the fictional Studio 60, as others have pointed out, really isn’t that funny.
30 Rock is indeed great, ep 3 was gold. Hope this show finds a bigger audience with the upcoming Earl,Office, Scrubs lead ins. What a great night of TV NBC is set to bring us!
Cheers Maggie, other than my complete disagreement on Studio 60 I enjoy your thoughts
6. JayB | October 27th, 2006 at 11:55 am
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