The funny vs. the watchable

Posted by Dan October 25th, 2006 at 04:42pm In General

A lot of shows aim to be funny.  These shows are called comedies. 

Sometimes, shows are half-funny, half-serious.  These are cleverly called dramedies.

Still other shows aim to be half-funny, half-serious and end up being annoying.  These shows are called Greys Anatomy. 

I end up watching a lot of comedic and dramedic shows for unknown reasons.  Possibly, it's just habit.  But why do we (read: I) watch shows that aren't actually funny.  Let's put it all on a graph, shall we?

funny graph.jpg

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. sara  |  October 27th, 2006 at 10:52 am

    I’m going to stand up and defend my affection for and addiction to The Soup here. It’s funny, dammit, some of the time. Even if Katie thinks it doesn’t exist on anyone’s TV except mine. Or actually, Ali’s.

  • 2. Maggie  |  October 27th, 2006 at 12:04 pm

    Sara, I will stand with you on that point. It’s not on my regular tifaux, but when I catch it, love it.

  • 3. Dan  |  October 27th, 2006 at 1:29 pm

    I’ll stand by my ranking. It’s something I watch sporadically. The thing is, it’s charming, but not necessarily funny. I mean, Joel McHale has that smirk that says “I’m on E. I know what you think of the E Network and frankly I don’t disagree. But isn’t it a riot that I have this show on E? Here goes nothing!”

    For the most part, when they tell jokes after clips it’s all kind of kerplunk-y and Letterman-y.

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