Archive for October 19th, 2006

Dan’s take: The Project Runway finale

You know what I love?  When I don't feel the need to connect my thoughts. As such, I'm going to list some of my reflections in bullet form.

  • I had a sinking feeling the whole time that Jeffrey was going to win.  I never really thought that he cheated in the first place, but I hoped he was going down just so I wouldn't have to worry about him winning.  So as soon as Tim Gunn announced that he was off the hook, I was pretty much resigned to the fact that he was going to win.
  • For a brief, shining moment, I thought that Uli could pull it out.  When it was just her and Jeffrey left on the runway, I thought about how everybody was wanting to dry hump her after her collection showed.  With all the ballyhoo over how marketable her stuff is, I thought that maybe she'd be the dark horse winner.
  • I am continually baffled that a creature like Jeffrey could be responsible for such an adorable little boy.
  • In the end, I consistently liked Uli's collection the most.  Jeffrey had some great pieces, as did Laura, but on the whole Uli's was the best.  Jeffrey's first few items all seemed like variations on an uninspired theme.  First was Slutty Strawberry Shortcake.  Then there was Slutty Strawberry Shortcake Works at the Pharmacy.  Then Slutty Strawberry Shortcake Gets Married.  Oddly, the piece of his I liked the most was the one the judges hated.  It did stick out like a sore thumb (and it looked like an old-school Uli dress), but it was very nice.
  • I think fame has gone to Michael's head.  Everybody say "Moesha"! 
  • I get way too invested in reality shows. 
  • I watched the finale at a friend's house and the dog was sleeping on the floor.  When Heidi said "Congratulations… Jeffrey!" we all screamed "No!" and scared the shit out the mutt.
  • I'm really prepared to take a rest from thinking about all things Project Runway-related.

1 comment October 19th, 2006

Project Runway Winner: Jeffrey

Well, shit.

2 comments October 19th, 2006


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