Archive for October 18th, 2006

Project Runway Finale: The Clairvoyants at TiFaux Make the Call Again

It seems like decades ago when we were trying decide between Santino, Daniel V. and Chloe.  Remember how young we were?  We played on our Sit And Spin all day, listened to the new Roxette album and made those little paper fortune tellers.  Or at least it seems like that long ago.

But it's that time again — time for the TiFaux staff to hunker down and decide who will (and should) walk away with the prize.  Hopefully, at least one of us will make the correct prediction.  Unlike last year.

Drum roll, please…


Cristin says:

I genuinely have no idea who’s going to take this season home. Last season the only thing I was 100% positive of was that Chole would NOT be winning, and I’m still pretty sure that the Society for the Advancement of Tiny Asian Women paid off Nina Garcia to secure that. When we took those achievement tests in 1st grade with all those “what shape comes next?” sequence questions I scored in the 99th percentile, so, until last week, I was fairly confident in completing the Gay White Male; Straight Asian Chick; ___?___ lineup with “Straight Black Dude,” but then Michael’s collection showed up all Liberace looking and I got nervous. In light of all that:

THE WIN I WANT: Michael. Not only is he banging Brandy (of Moesha fame!) he’s funny and talented and has never made anyone’s mother cry. Other than the scary evening gown, I’ve loved every last thing he’s done and I really, really, really want him to pull it out in the end. Really.

THE WIN I FEAR: Uli. Is anyone rooting for Uli? I kind of want her to lose just so I can beef up my theory that no one with a German accent will ever be voted “america’s next great designer.” (Whatever, patriots, you were thinking it, too. Don’t hate the playa, hate the game). The Miami Heat has been so consistent, though, and some of her pattern usage really is totally kick ass, that if Michael and Laura phone it in at all, the U-bomb could really bring the house down. So to speak.

Dan says:

Will win: Jeffrey (if he gets disqualified, Laura)
Should win: Laura

I took a look at some of the pictures of Fashion Week and, I have to admit, Jefferey's was probably the edgiest and most interesting of all of them. If you had asked me before I saw the pictures, I would have said Michael hands-down.  But his collection really made it feel like there should have been a pole at the end of the runway.  Jeffrey's collection has cool stripes and pretty colors.  I'm pissed to say that it's probably one of the best.

But who I actually want to win is a completely different affair.  When it comes to reality shows, even the ones where skills are involved, I base my opinions on whether or not I like someone personally.  As such, I am really hoping Laura pulls it out.  The gays love a sassy, opinionated dame, and I'm no exception.  Furthermore, and I sort of find this embarassing for some reason, but I've always really liked Laura's stuff.  I mean, it's all a pretty specific style.  The kind of style aimed at people who wear riding pants instead of jeans.  But when I think about her outfits for the Black and White challenge, her final four cocktail dress and even shit like this, something just appeals to me about the sparklies and the clean lines.  Shrug.

As for Uli.  Uli is Uli is Uli.  I'm sure she'll find great success in her target demographic of free-spirited Cozumel vacationers with huge disposable incomes, but versatility seems to be her downfall.  A win for Uli would be a pretty huge anticlimax.

Kyle says:

It'll be Laura. 

Maggie says: 

Will win: Jeffrey
Should win
: Laura
If only things were different
: Michael

I was really rooting for Michael. He's made some incredible clothes this season without being a jackass and without losing his edge. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that he had me at "Captain Save-a-ho." Sadly, his collection… sucks, from what we can see. I don't see how a model could improve that sequin-pocketed travesty.
Laura consistently makes beautiful, striking garments that actually look like they belong on the runway. Sure, she relies on the dramatic V-neck a heckuva lot, but it looks like she's tried to mix it up. Her clothes are fabulous. If I could afford them and really felt comfortable with my sternum, I'd wear them — and I'm not sure I've ever said that about any other Project Runway contestant.
Oh! Side note! The other day I was taking my lunch break and passed by Laura's model in the street. Awesome!


I find Jeffrey and Uli irritating, so I hadn't seriously considered either of them until last week. Jeffrey's no Santino — he doesn't have fun songs and impressions to redeem himself from assholery, and he takes everything so goddamn personally. However, his clothes looked awesome. Whether or not he got help (he probably didn't, and who cares anyway), I think he's going to pull out with the win.  And then there's Uli and her damn prints! She's nice enough, but booooring.

Add comment October 18th, 2006


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