It’s not you, it’s me… okay, it’s mostly you.
The new-season honeymoon is officially over, and I'm starting to winnow down all the crap. Actually, that's inaccurate. The crap is long gone. These are the shows that very nearly made the cut; they're intersting in their own way, but not good enough to continue to tolerate on a weekly basis.
Here's what's going this week:
Ugly Betty. I never stopped liking this show, but if, during the third episode, you're saying to yourself, "Wow, this is getting really repetitive," it's time to put it aside. Betty and Daniel are both adorable, and I'll flip to it someday in the future just to see what they're up to now, but it's off the Season Pass.
The Nine. Nine people are held hostage for 52 hours, changing their lives… forever. It sounds cheesy, but it's actually pretty good. I just don't have the energy to devote to it every week. If it continues being good, I'll catch it on DVD. I have to have some DVD to look forward to, right?
The only new shows that are sticking around are Heroes (YAY). Studio 60 (torn between frustration and admiration), and 30 Rock (love). More on the lucky winners later.
Add comment October 17th, 2006