Archive for June 30th, 2006

The More You Know…

News nuggets to get you through your mid-morning slump.

  • Big Brother: All-Stars will be broadcast on Who cares? Well, I kind of do.  Don't judge me.
  • The Sopranos gotta get paid, son.  The cast, who always seem to be haggling for money, has two holdouts in contract negotiations.  Both sides seem to be talking tough about a separation.
  • Ricky Gervais, originator of the British "The Office," is returning to the tube.  Only in England.  And he's not so much seen as he is heard.  Apparently, he just signed a deal to narrate and write a stop-motion animation version of his fantasy book series "Flanimals."  The Flanimals' names are Puddloflaj, Munty Flumple, Clunge Ambler and Grundit.  Yeah, I don't know.
  • Emily De Ravin, aka Claire from Lost, got married to some dude who was apparently in Charlie's Angels 2.
  • In Real World/Fresh Meat news, rumor has it that Melinda has dumped Danny!  I totally hope she threw that corporate-sponsored ring at him.
  • The third and (sigh) final season of Arrested Development will be on DVD August 29 and will feature a bunch of extras including audio commentaries, a behind-the-scenes featurette and bloopers.

Add comment June 30th, 2006

Jem is outrageous

Because it's Friday and I have a wee hangover, all I can do is stare at videos. And so I present Part Three of the series Nickelodeon: Opening Credits of My Youth (Animation).

First up, Inspector Gadget! I really have nothing to say about this, except that it is clearly awesome.

And by far the best and most timeless credits sequence: Doug. I swear if anyone hums this song to you, you will recognize it and not know why. ALSO, the name of the "famous band" in Doug: The Beets. The name of their hit song: . (Don't click on that link unless you're prepared for the worst YouTube has to offer.)

Last but certainly not least, there's Jem. I don't believe this show was technically on Nickelodeon, but I had to include it because occasionally I've tried to explain to people that I used to watch a cartoon about a singer who had magic earrings and battled a group of other singers and was also a regular girl, and people don't exactly believe me. The Jem single "Glitter and Gold" may have been my first-ever cassette tape.

And that's it, folks. Most of these videos originated with RetroJunk, which you should check out if you're still feeling nostalgic. They have everything.

Add comment June 30th, 2006


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