Previously: LC spends a day delivering a dress to NYC. Audrina and one of the Brads have an awkward date. Heidi makes many pro-lifers reconsider their stance. (issue #45: I refuse to use exclamation points in my recaps from this point on because this show is endlessly boring. We all mourn in different ways, please respect mine).
The gals pal around their apartment and discuss different hiccup curing techniques. "Drinking water upside down works for me," LC offers. "I always go with having unprotected sex," chirps Heidi in return. They're interrupted by a knock at the door, which is opened to reveal a flower delivery boy almost entirely eclipsed by his foliage offering. "Who'd you get a tree from?" Heidi asks. "You mother?" (issue #46: subtext, you are ugly and unlovable and boys don't send you pretty things. The last special delivery Heidi got from a suitor probably lead to a 14 day series of antibiodics, so I'm guessing this is some residual bitterness). But wait– the flowers. are. from. JASON. If I were using exclamation points, now would be the time to do so.
"More than Words" by Extreme swells in the background.
Theme song tells LC to feel the rain on her skin. In this case, let's assume "the rain" is code for "your cheating piece o' shit exboyfriend who didn't graduate from high school and can't even keep it in his pants at the fashion show you organized for mudslide victims." MTV has titled this show "Lauren and Jason, Take 2." (issue #47: Are we out of clever 4 word witticisms? Is everyone else as bored by this show as I am?)
At TeenVoid, Whit and LC talk about the Jason breakup, and we find out that LC wasn't satisfied with his apology. Let's also assume "apology" is code for "personal hygiene skills." Cut to: Heidi at Bolthouse where she is SWAMPED with FILING. Cut to: yet another land line message from Jason.
Then we get an artfully cut montage of LC getting ready- show me the pearls. Yes, yes, now the headband. Good, LC, work it, baby. (issue #48: I don't know if they have different water pressure out here in the hills or what, but I'm having some issues with LC's hair of late. With all of her, but mainly the hair. It just looks so… uninspired. Oooh, maybe this is going to be a metaphor– like, once her life turns around, she'll be all perky and bouncy and her hair will look great once more. Like in My Big Fat Greek Wedding). LC arrives at her date with Jason (issue #49: Jason, how nice of you to roll out of bed and wear your best Tshirt and shave for the date with the lady you're trying to re-woo). LC gives him hell about being a dick, and I'm proud of her.
And then we get the best moment on this series thus far, where the Bolthouse crew builds up the big Vegas trip and you can almost see Heidi wetting her pants with excitement before they drop the "and you can't go, cause you're not 21" bomb on her and she immediately gets all pouty-faced. Oh, I loved it. How I liked this show in that exact moment.
Jason busts into TeenVoid (issue #50: Good work, security desk) to deliver yet more flowers and take LC to lunch (issues #51-52: when jason's food arrives, he declares it "gnarly," and his shirt has "Ready, Steady, Go! Go!" stamped on it. I object to the word choice in both instances, and the exclamation use in one). They make boring conversation about going to a boring movie. Meanwhile, at Bolthouse Heidi declares "I don't really 'get' this company. I mean, I quit school for this." (issue #53: you would have quit school to chase a butterfly down the street, moron). At TeenVoid LC and Whitney discuss the meaning of flowers (LC's dad had told her that "flowers mean I'm Sorry and chocolates mean I Love You." what healthy relationships he must have) and whitney declares "sometimes there are just some people that you never get over," to the delight of the producers that were foaming at the mouth, waiting for SOMEONE to deliver a soundbite-worthy quote on this show.
LC lounges poolside with her sidekick texting Jason when Heidi strolls up in the worst bathing suit ever invented. Seriously. It's like… you know, I can't even try to explain it. It's BAD. Heidi implores her to "be careful with Jason" while LC insists "it's different this time." (issue #54: along with "the cops never come down this way" and "I know I should use a condom, but when's the next time I'll be in Haiti?" these are the most famous last words ever). Heidi emphatically declares "I will kill him if he does it again," and for once, Heidi has the air of a remotely normal person about her, and I almost like her for being worried about her friend. Almost.
Back at work, Heidi forgets to get her boss his drink when she fetches him lunch. Drama! "I can't do this anymore. I'm gonna quit," she says tearfully into the phone. Yes, day 3 at a new workplace can really be trying.
LC and Jason take in one of those "moving pictures" or "talkies" that are all the rage today. When he drops LC off, Jason moves in for the two-handed face hold make out, a move I've been a fan of since popularized by Pacey Whitter back in the day, and the audience wonders Is? It? Burning? An? Eternal? Flaaaaaaame?
Episode issue count: 10 Season issue count: 54