Archive for June 15th, 2006

Reality Eats Itself – The Fresh Meat Challenge: Episode 3

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Cristin writes:

Melinda/Ryan and Wes/Casey have been doomed to exile. Melinda and Ryan discuss her relationship with Danny and how it's fast-tracking her to a battered women's shelter, and she seems unconcerned. TJ sends out the clue for the Exile Challenge, in which he uses the term "tennis shoes" for sneakers and it makes me mad, because I'm a yankee and we don't talk like that.

The Jailbreak challenge involves digging through slop with your mouth to find a series of keys that will then unshackle you and your partner and release you from your cell. Johanna is "so excited" by how well she's doing that she drops the key and blows the whole mission. Theo and Chanda take it home, winning Fandango tickets for a year (the company of creepy talking brown paper bags).

This exile has the added task of collecting flags as the team carry their luggage weight through two checkpoints. Melinda and Ryan correctly solve the first puzzle and get to drop their bags for the remainder of the race, but cleverly forget to pick up the flags and lose, hardcore.

Cristin's two cents:

Some things I'd like to see as this season progresses: Wes getting kicked in the nuts, Tonya being humiliated in public as much as possible, and a weather channel update-style scroll across the bottom of the screen telling us that back in Boston, Danny's been arrested for public drunkeness/ wearing stupid hats/ dating a woman two brackets above him who he has no business touching at all.

Dan's two cents:

It takes a lot for me to turn against the gays, but I can't say I shed a tear when Ryan packed his bags.  Kind of a boring, Rice-a-Roni personality.  And seriously, you can't get these Austin kids off my screen quick enough so here's hoping they drop like flies.  Drunk flies.  Sweaty, abusive, drunken flies.  The best part of this season so far has been Coral who is an absolute scream.  It's a rare feat when someone on reality TV tries to be funny and actually is.  Next week, it looks like Cristin's Blue Iguanas might be racking up the points with a barn-burner of a fight between Wes and Johanna.

The Scoreboard:

Cristin's Blue Iguanas: Katie/Eric; Johanna/Jesse; Tonya/Johnnie; Theo/Chanda; Shane/Linette
Dan's Green Monkeys: Coral/Evan; Melinda/Ryan; Tina/Kenny; Darrell/Aviv; Derrick/Diem

4 points awarded for each competition won, four points deducted for an elimination. 
Cristin's tally: 4 (Theo/Chanda victory)
Dan's tally: -4 (Melinda/Ryan elimination)
Drama-rama (3 points per infraction):
Includes: crying; lovers quarrels; racial/ethnic/other slurs; physical violence; extreme displays of drunkeness (includes falling down, excessive slurring, vomiting); same sex encounters onscreen (worth four points because Dan says so); shown or implied hook-ups (includes make-outs and all forms of bedroom activity).
Cristin's tally: 0
Dan's tally: 6 (Crying – Melinda) (Lover's quarrel – Melinda)
Loose talk (2 points per phrase):
Includes: "step it up," "balls to the wall," "not a team player," "pull together as a team," "deserves to be here," (more to be added as season progresses)
Cristin's tally: 2 (reference to "team unity" [close enough] – Tonya)
Dan's tally: 2 (mention of "wanting to be here" [same difference] – Ryan)
Cristin's old total: 3

Dan's old total: 7

Cristin's old total: 9

Dan's new total: 11

3 comments June 15th, 2006

Mad Libs: Create your own episode of Medium

1. Item of clothing
2. Male celebrity
3. Liquid
4. Adjective
5. Body part
6. Verb
7. TV Show
8. Music group
9. Bodily function
10. Living things
11. Adverb
12. Adjective
13. Activity
14. Animal


Allison DuBois finds herself sweating profusely and running through the halls of an abandoned office building.  The walls are a stark white with each office door painted a shiny black.  She realizes that she's only wearing a (1_________)

A man in a trenchcoat and hat steps out of one of the offices and faces her.  He looks like a more sinister version of (2_________).

"Please help me!" Allison shouts.

The man opens his mouth as if to speak, but instead (3__________) drips out.  Allison screams.

Allison wakes up to see her husband sleeping soundly next to her.  She wears a befuddled/exasperated expression as the credits begin to roll.

The next morning, at breakfast, the girls are all (4_________).  Bridget complains that she doesn't want to go to school because her (5_________) hurts.  On top of that, Ariel says her book report isn't done and if she doesn't turn it in today, her teacher will (6_________) her.

"What are we going to do with these kids?" Allison says to no one in particular.

Joe finishes up washing the dishes and Allison scuttles the kids out, lanyard hanging from her neck.  The kids hop in the station wagon and chatter about last night's episode of (7_________).

Stopped at the intersection, Allison impatiently switches the radio to a (8_________) song and sings along loudly.  Out of the corner of her eye, she notices the crossing guard.  She jumps in her seat and (9_________).

It's the same guy from her dream!  Without even noticing that there are (10_________) crossing the street, she pulls forward to get a better look.  She puts the car in park and gets out approaching the man (11_________).

"Can I help you, ma'am?" he asks with a (12_________) smile.

"I know you," she says breathlessly.  "I saw you last night."

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.  All I did last night was (13_________) with my wife and then go to bed."

Allison gives him a skeptical look.  Car horns honk behind her, and Bridget yells for Allison to get back in the car.  She gets back in, hesitantly, and drives on.

She looks in the rear view mirror, only to see the crossing guard looking right back and laughing like a (14_________).  A very menacing one at that.

1 comment June 15th, 2006


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