In England, they call cookies “biscuits”!!!!
As I pointed out last week, one of the hottest international exports is reality TV.
A few years ago, the UK gave us Big Brother. America anticipated the show, which launches its All Star season this summer, with the kind of zeal usually reserved for the Asian bird flu. While the show has always inspired tepid interest stateside, it's effing huge in the UK.
There's also the British version of The Apprentice, where Donald Trump is replaced by some old dude named (seriously) Sir Alan Sugar. Which, coincidentally, is the name I used as a stripper in the late nineties. The new Caroline is a sturdy broad named Margaret and a cast of (obviously) very British-looking contestants.
So the Brits give us Big Brother (as well as Survivor and American Idol), and what do we give them in return? The majesty that is Project Runway.
The other-side-of-the-pond version of Runway, called Project Catwalk, featured Liz Hurley as host last year, but this season has instead tapped (deep breath) Kelly Osbourne. Their rationale was that Hurley was too wooden as host, which I could see, but is it really that great of an idea to replace her with someone is pretty much famous for never knowing how to dress herself?
Nice try, Liz.
Project Catwalk, while missing out on the antics of Santino and Andrae, does feature this guy. John Waters, prepare to duel. (and there's this way-too-young hottie too)
Add comment June 9th, 2006