The Internet is Television Too!
While Maggie has the luxury of Netflix, I'm still in a land without such basic necessities. With television going to sleep for the summer I'm also looking for new options. Jon and Stephen have returned from vacation, but that doesn't satisfy my need to watch people speaking in English. So I'm turning to the Internet. No, not my usual piracy. I'll still be doing that, but I mean the Internet videos you're not supposed to pay for. No, not porn. The other stuff. I don't like most of the terrible "random" stuff that the kids like so damn much, although I did write a semi-famous review of the All Your Base Are Belong To Us video back in early 2001. And I also run a vlog. OK, yeah, I'm a nerd.
I know there are some gems out there, so I'm going to scour the Internets and find some good TV. It can't all be Arrested Development, but there has to be something better than . That's the most watched video ever on YouTube. Don't click on it, you'll only encourage him.
First up, we have The Monkey Chow Diaries. A poor man's Supersize Me in every sense of the word, an angry young Canadian has decided to eat nothing but Monkey Chow (actually ZuPreem Primate Dry Diet Animal Food. "Chow" is Purina's trademark when referring to animal foods) for a week. We're 5 days in already and he's not very happy. Today's diary entry describes his poop as "problematic."
Make sure you check out the other entries. Those Canadians are slyly funny. Even if they have floppy heads and beady eyes.
Add comment June 7th, 2006