Archive for June 1st, 2006

The Office, The Office, The Office and The Office


I've been sick all week, so I'm going to take it easy tonight (you should have seen me on the metro this morning — having an attack of the snots and coughing uncontrollably while simultaneously trying to ogle some dude who got off at the Foggy Bottom stop). 

Luckily, the good folks at the fledgling NBC network have helped me out by airing four back-to-back episodes of The Office, starting at 8.

So, tune in if you're also sick.  Or just lazy. 

1 comment June 1st, 2006

CNTM? What are you talking aboot?

Did you know that there's a show?  For real!


The host is Alberta-born model Tricia Helfer (who is apparently also on the show Battlestar Galactica) and the judges are you've also never heard of.  Apparently, though, ANTM veteran Jay Manuel is known to show up from time to time.

I don't know exactly why I think the idea of CNTM is so funny.  Maybe I just can't imagine Canadian supermodel catfights, given the even-tempered nature of our neighbors to the north.

An episode would go something like this: 

"Sore-y I used your curling iron without asking, Andrea."

"It's alright, eh.  Want to go to Tim Horton's?"

Add comment June 1st, 2006


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