Archive for April 25th, 2006

The Medium is the Message

So, I don’t really know what that post title means, and I’m not going to pretend. I do know it’s Marshall McLuhan, so I could totally buzz in correctly in Jeopardy (which is all that really matters), but all it really means to me is Annie Hall:

Woody: You know nothing about Marshall McLuhan.

Man in movie theatre line: I happen to teach a class at Columbia called “TV Media and Culture,” so I think that my insights into Mr. McLuhan have a great deal of validity.

Woody: Well, that’s funny, because I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here.

Marshall McLuhan: I heard what you were saying. You know nothing about my work… how you ever got to teach a course in anything is totally amazing.

I’m going to do a continuation link to the rest of this post (a rarity around here) because I am self-aware enough to know when I’m being slightly pompous. Now, aren’t you curious about what I’m being pompous about? Come on, you know you want to. There are several funny pictures at the end, too.

Click to continue reading “The Medium is the Message”

2 comments April 25th, 2006

Gay hates Jay because Jay hates gays

As I’ve previously mentioned (in passing) on the Faux, I hate Jay Leno.  He’s schticky, he’s unimaginative, he’s least common denominator funny.

And, as Avenue Q writer Jeff Whitty points out, he’s also a bit of a homophobe.  Whitty recently posted an open letter to Leno on his Web site.  It’s not funny, by any means, but it’s an important letter and I’d love to see if Leno responds.

Add comment April 25th, 2006


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