This thing is wicked huge
So there’s this American Idol thing, right? Dan posts about it sometimes and I’m vaguely aware that quite a few other people watch the show. Something like 20-30 million viewers every week, which is a lot of people. It’s not final episode of M*A*S*H* big (106 million viewers/45% of the US population at the time) but it’s still enormous. And even though I watched the last few episodes of that INXS show “Rock Star” (I still don’t know anything about INXS) I’ve only seen a few minutes of American Idol.
But apparently everyone but me watches this show and I just got a great illustration of that concept from former documentary subject Tim McIntire (née The Reverend Tim McIntire). And it made me nostalgic for a land where people are described without irony as “wicked retarded.”
Add comment April 20th, 2006