I Hate Carlos Mencia
Posted by Dan March 27th, 2006 at 12:38pm In All Things TV
Carlos Mencia is the ignorant man’s Dave Chapelle.
I accidentally started watching his show, “Mind of Mencia,” the other night, knowing only that a) he is a successful stand-up comedian. b) he seems to be proud of his own stupidity.
To me, Mencia seems a lot like another rarely-funny comedian: Jay Leno. This is the way I see it — the reason Jay Leno isn’t funny is because his jokes all have the same punchlines. His monologues always fall back on the same tired crutches: Jennifer Lopez has a big butt. Anna Nicole Smith is on drugs. Michael Jackson is a pedophile. Bill Clinton is a womanizer. Leno has told all these jokes over and over for years and they never get any funnier.
Mencia is the same way, only his fallbacks are based on race/religion/sexual orientation, whatever. While Leno’s jokes are stupid and obvious, Mencia’s serve only to reinforce ugly stereotypes. His jokes don’t come from a good place.
When Dave Chapelle or Chris Rock or Sarah Silverman do this kind of stuff, there’s at least some intelligence behind it. Their comedy is based on insight, rather than cliches. You can tell that these three comedians are challenging their audiences with their material. Mencia just wants people to laugh at the stereotypes they already know.
I watched about half of the show before I had to change the channel, wanting to smack that “yeah, I said it” smirk off his face.
68 Comments Add your own
1. Tamer | May 26th, 2006 at 9:15 am
u r absoloutely right!!!..he is tooo racist. his jokes are all based on UNREAL facts. . and when i heared his bid called “Crazy Arabs” i just hated this kind of stereotyping and hated him more ,not because i am Egyptian but because he presents it in a disgusting and biased way……he is a jackass
2. | September 28th, 2006 at 4:00 pm
Yall are some weenies he keeps it real about some stuff and
Chea u aint as funny as Dave Chappelle but still
3. CC | October 29th, 2006 at 9:52 pm
Oh man, I’m so glad to see someone else thinking the same way that I am! I think Carlos Mencia’s just a loud-mouthed, ignorant, self-proclaimed jester. I LOVE Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, George Lopez–but because they do have intelligence behind what they’re saying. All Carlos Mencia wants to do is make a lot of LOUD NOISE and copy off of Chapelle Show skits. “Ask A Beaner”–”Ask A Black Dude”, sound familiar, you hack?
4. Alex | December 10th, 2006 at 9:03 pm
You people are far more ignorant than what you think. Yes, Carlos copies some of Chappell’s skits and while, Chappell is funnier, Chappell also goes off the same sterotypes as Carlos. You are stupid and blind if you think Chappell is any different. You shouldn’t critize other peoples work just because you are to ignorant yourselve to realize this point. I think you don’t know tihs but Carlos is more straight forward with his sterotypes; while Chappell just beats around the bush when addressing this. After all during one of his shows Chappell straight out said “Welcome to your number 1 source of offensive comdy”. That is a complete fact. You bash on Carlos badly when infact he probably dosnt give a shit. If he read this posting he would laugh and probably go count his millions of dollars. Eat it fools
Get a real job
5. Adam | December 17th, 2006 at 10:18 pm
chappelle may have a little racism, but at least EVERYONE of his jokes doesnt consist entirely of some gay, horribly imitated mexican voiced punchline. Thats all he is… lets see a little variety. If someone, ANYONE, hears a joke on his show that isnt the same ol’ crap, then i will gladly stand corrected…
6. arabic girl | December 24th, 2006 at 4:43 am
yah he is quit racist sometimes people never use their heads they think us arabs are stupid people but what about the educated ones like us who live normal lives, except when we see tv we see people like carlos mencia who make us feel really bad.
i’m educated and i go to a british school and our country is the best wwhy do people do this kind of stuff.
7. Angry Gurls | December 29th, 2006 at 10:07 am
How dare you insult Carlos Mencia? In case you haven’t noticed, he makes fun of HIMSELF, as well as other people. He always says before he does standup or skits that he has nothing against the people he’s making fun of. We all need to laugh at ourselves sometimes!!!
8. sandra | January 25th, 2007 at 9:35 am
dude WHAT THE HELL! carlos is making a living by making people laugh…..get a life. find somthing better to rant about. not carlos. cuz carlos is just like dave…..and hes not racist…he makes fun of everyone equaly..im also a person who loves to rant…but u have NO right to say things like that about carlos…u dont know him…and that kinda pissis me off, i hate robot chicken….its inane and stupid. but i dont bash it down…i just know that thats not wat im into….u should do the same
nuerotically yours,
9. Aaron | January 28th, 2007 at 8:58 pm
At first I thought he was funny, but now I think he sucks big time. You could have a whole comedy show making fun of his stupid show! Some of his stuff is funny.. but the ‘retarded’ stuff and all gets old pretty fast.
10. Brandon | February 15th, 2007 at 11:50 pm
I didn’t even know about Carlos until about a year ago and I think his show is terrible. How many times can a guy try to be funny yelling DEH DEH DEH!? Maybe the first time it was somewhat funny at best, but he kills his own jokes. His material is nothing new…he tries to be Chappelle but he never will be. His skits aren’t nearly as creative as Chappelle’s. Also note that Chappelle is so well respected, because while he makes fun of Whites/Latinos/Asians, he also makes fun of Blacks (his own race), so it kind of evens the score and makes him not racist. From what I understand, Carlos Mencia isn’t even his real name and he’s actually half German. The reason he acts 100% Mexican is so he can say nigga like he’s got street credit, which he has none of. To Black people: why are you letting this guy call you niggas when he’s not even of your kin? He is trying to make it seem like Blacks are cool with him saying that and I bet you aren’t. I’m shocked there’s no outrage when he freely uses the N word as if he has a license to do so. HE IS NOT BLACK! For those that argue “well, Mexicans are a minority so they can say it”, he’s not even 100% Mexican. He’s half. He puts on a fake accent so people don’t think he’s White. This guy just pisses me off…he’s banking money for doing the same routines other comedians do on a regular basis. To be respected in the comic world, you must be unique and creative…two things which Mencia lacks.
11. EROD | February 23rd, 2007 at 3:51 am
12. gary | March 16th, 2007 at 7:49 pm
odviosly you have not watched enough of his show to even say that. if u listen to him he is a good person. he just tries to make people laugh. if u watched his “no strings attached” on comedy central u would understand. if u seen his joke about the person in the wheel chair cutting in line at a amusement park. he is a awsome comic. odviosly if u understood wat his message was it wasnt personal. he is just a comic trying to make people laugh. he is not afaid to use wat we call the “first amendment” wich most comedians are scared to use.
13. EROD | March 22nd, 2007 at 2:12 am
ive seen it, and how does it make him a good person? making fun of retards…duhduduh. or making fun of handicaps, or making fun of undocumented people. its o.k. because he calls himself a beaner, which hes not. how is he a good person?
14. bobby | April 5th, 2007 at 9:48 pm
Carlos Mencia is very dull, boring, and very ignorant. He makes fun of things that other comedians have already done a million times. Not only that but he makes it worse by killing the jokes most of the time. Listen, I watched about 22 episodes of Carlos Mencia Show, and I didn’t mind his specials except that sometimes he shows some ignorance in his rants. He rants about everything, he directly copies Lewis Black by calling others stupid or hating on people. He copies Dave Chapelle and Chris Rock with racist stereotypes except he ruins those jokes. He can’t imitate anyone or anything, he acts like an amateur comedian all the time.
The hate against Carlos Mencia is growing, the more famous he gets the more times I hear people saying they hate him. He doesn’t just make fun of people, he literally insults people and portrays the racist ignorance of ignorant Americans. He also seems to have a real hate against middle easterners.
15. EROD | April 6th, 2007 at 3:18 pm
its easy to hate middle easterners, its safe, and im sure he thinks its what people want to hear. LOOK UP” carlos mencia and joe rogan fight” on YOU TUBE and you will see what america is starting to see, that carlos mencia is a REAL joke.
16. curt | April 9th, 2007 at 3:06 pm
He’s a fat douche bag.
17. Jed | April 19th, 2007 at 6:00 pm
1. Alex is a moron./l\
2. Carlos isn’t a beaner.Euro’s anyone?
3. Dave Chappell is black…
4. Dave- original Ned-UNoriginal
5. Dave brings us together
6. Ned brings a bag of crap to the world.
18. Brandon | April 26th, 2007 at 1:11 am
I Dont see why everyone is hateing on Carlos i mean if you dont like him simply dont watch his shows its that simple if you think he is funny than keep watching if you dont then stop talkin crap him. yea maybe he steals some peoples jokes but he makes them his own and he is a funny guy i dont care what any of you people say
19. warren | May 2nd, 2007 at 10:24 am
Carlos is not funny at all. The only way he gets laughs is to make loud noises and then the retarded people who think he is funny go “omg he made a loud noise lets laugh.” At the end of all his jokes (which he probabley stole) all end with him screaming and you cant even understand what he is saying. Why comedy central keeps his show on the air I dont know. Wow mexicans can climb fences ….. real funny.
20. lorenzo | May 2nd, 2007 at 1:50 pm
Not to mention the guy steals jokes from other comedians. Check out Joe Rogans website of him being caught in the act of stealing material and some clips off of YouTube search Carlos Steals Cosby. Such a hack he has to steal material from other comics. Comedy central is really blowing it with this guy.
21. Brandon's brain on drugs | May 2nd, 2007 at 1:54 pm
To Brandon:
He is stealing comedians jokes. As a comedian this is all you have. And when you see someone else stealing you stuff and making money doing I’m pretty sure that person is prbly the biggest hack in the world. And anyone who knowingly supports a exposed hack is in turn a douchebag. GG douchebag
22. Jon | May 4th, 2007 at 9:53 pm
Normally I don’t care enough to actually express my thoughts on a blog. Yet, I feel responsible to call this so-called comedian out for the fraud and social corrupter he is. This Carlos Mencia has been lucky enough to be a member of a “neutral” race giving him the ability to degrade every race without consequence only to be able to fall under the category of satire. As minorities strive to be viewed equal in the eyes of everyone, its people like him that drive segregation in stone. On another note, comedy bit after comedy bit has been plagiarized by Carlos Mencia. He has stolen bits from popular comedians such as Bill Cosby and has not admitted to doing so. I hope this individual reaps what he is sewing.
23. fatlazycracker | May 5th, 2007 at 4:49 am
How to watch tv
Turn it on and connect it to an antenna
Rule 1: If you dont like whats on TV CHANGE THE CHANNEL YOU DEE-DEE-DEE.
Remember the howard stern show. the people that hated the show listened to it LONGER AND BY LISTENING TO IT SUPPORTED IT TO AIR LONGER
24. Aimee | May 5th, 2007 at 9:43 pm
I never heard of Mencia coping before until I saw it firsthand. It is true he copies Lewis Black directly!! One episode he did LB’s signiture move where he does the growling while talking bends slightly forward to emphasize and then the circles his finger then points it at the audience. I mean it was so obvious that after I watched it I planned on pointing it out to my husband when he saw the clip and tried to point it out to me. Lewis Black is a true original Carlos is just a HACK!!!
25. lebnaniawfalestinia | May 6th, 2007 at 1:40 am
I was recently watching his show…I normally laugh and then flip the channel at the commercial. This time it was different. I noticed he honestly does hate arabs. In the way that he thinks its the cool/popular thing to do. Look at the white people in the audience laughing and cheering like..it’s normal to hate arabs. He supports racism in an EXTREMELY negative manner. He presents the good and bad of every race EXCEPT Arab or middle eastern. I’m sick of it. There needs to be a change.
26. Cuindless | May 7th, 2007 at 12:48 am
I don’t like his comedy either, but I’m more concerned with the kids who watch this crap. A friend of mine is letting her 8 year old son watch this, and yesterday he says to me, “You’re almost as useless as a mexican…” WHAT?!? I had to pull her aside and tell her where he must be getting this stuff. What did she say, “He’s a comedian, get over it.” He’s not a comedian… comedian’s are funny. He’s just a hate reinforcing stereotype spewer…
27. Erica | May 9th, 2007 at 1:28 am
Comedy is a form of art that exists in the hopes of making people let go and laugh and to joke about the absurdities in life. And guess what, there are many absurdities in life. You cannot hide these and they shouldn’t be hidden. What stand-up comedians like Chappelle and Mencia try to do is to get people to lighten up and stop taking things so seriously, in fear of people killing each other over trivial matters because of our oh-so tightened rectums.
OF COURSE Mencia is biased. There is nothing telling him he can’t be. It is his personal work, his art. Just like Chappelle creates his own personal art that he feels strongly for. Personally (remember, this is bias), I do not like Chappelle because I think his jokes are played out. What do you think about that? You don’t really mean to tell me that you would like to censor and scan every comedic work that is ever made… do you?
Take a deep breath and learn to laugh at yourself just like Mencia does and, most of all, do not be hypocritical.
And oh yea, stop pitying yourself. It’s not attractive.
28. Erica | May 9th, 2007 at 1:36 am
I’m sorry… I’m double-commenting.
OMG BRANDON (#10)! Since when is it EVER okay to say the N word?? It doesn’t matter if he’s 100% Black or not (which he never claimed he was), I (being a 1/2 Puerto-Rican and 1/2 everything white) do not think anyone should be able to use this word over anyone else. That is totally out of line. Just because you are black does not mean you can degrade another of your own ethnic group.
How incredibly ignorant, excuse the over-used word.
29. EROD | May 17th, 2007 at 4:26 am
30. Angel | May 24th, 2007 at 5:36 pm
Listen peoplez, If you hate carlos and his joke, QUIT WATCHING THE SHOW!!!! Quit calling him a racist because he also makes fun of himself. If you people keep saying his jokes are cruel to stereotypes, stop watching the show! It’ll only cause higher rating and make him more popular>
31. joe | June 25th, 2007 at 3:06 pm
I agree that Calos and Dave are the same act. Dave’s show is a little more black if you ax me, but they really are one in the same. I dislike Carlos more because it’s so blatently obvious that he steals material from other comics and that’s a huge no, no. After you watch these hacks for a while, you have to ask yourself, “what new and refreshing material do these guys bring to the table?” Answer? Nothing.
32. Jerry | July 20th, 2007 at 4:55 am
ok you people are stupid as hell come on carlos mencia is not ignorent he actually IS funny. to me he is the bst comedian anybody can see. true he has race in his jokes but hell where dont you see rascism these days. My brother is disabled and he actually loves carlos, my brother is not noticed they feel sorry for him when carlos doesnt he seeis him like a regular you dumb ignorent people dont like he said once “Those people think your mean but they dont see me they see a wheel chair” so you guys go get a life carlos is a great person. BTW yes i do know carlos so screw you guys
33. max | July 29th, 2007 at 10:03 pm
carlos mencia and Dave chap’s humor for the ignorant, there jokes could not be more predictable, ignorant, or just striaght racist, if they think they are bringing black or mexican people pride with the jokes they tell, they couldnt be more wrong, these 2 men are a discrace to their race
34. Dustin | August 23rd, 2007 at 4:52 am
eh, someone on here mentioned lewis black as being original, i just found a bit he flat out stole himself.
watch some bill hicks, then some lewis black. Lewis black does the exact same joke about christians believing the earth is 12,000 years old, except bill hicks says dinosaurs and lewis black says fossils. They’ve almost all done it.
35. CB | August 23rd, 2007 at 11:08 am
arabic girl,
For a person that is supposedly “educated” you still haven’t found where the “shift” key is located in order to capitalize.
Thus you’re the Arab version of a DEE DEE DEE!!!
36. Bob | August 29th, 2007 at 2:40 pm
I think it’s funny that people still get upset about race humor. Do you really watch the skit about Carlos as a middle eastern gas station clerk and get upset that he’s talking about you? Cause I know whenever I watch Jeff Foxworthy I get totally pissed at how he describes rednecks… because he’s obviously talking about all white people in the freakin’ world.
But that’s all cool. If you choose to self-identify with ALL members of some group, and therefore become offended at all references to said group, that’s your right. Others – such as myself – choose to identify with sub groups that aren’t marked by racial lines. Foxworthy can make fun of cousin humping southerners and I don’t have to get upset; despite my residence in the South; because I identify with others in my professions and my hobbies – I don’t identify with my skin color.
So go ahead and make fun of white people Carlos, I don’t care. Actually, it’s pretty funny to see what others think.
37. I hate him too | August 31st, 2007 at 8:25 pm
Wow, I am so sick of hearing the same jokes. Dee dee dee and mexicans are in front of home depot is soo played out, its kind of annoying. I mean he had one funny skit, and it was a play on chris angel. I liked it. If you think about it though, there wasnt much of his usual racial shit, it was just him busting on a weird magician, no stupid comments on white people talkin in an annoying “white voice” or w/e. Anyway I hate him. He should die and or get cancelled, but mostly the first one. He needs new material… or he should have a class on how to make 4 season of a popular show out of 2 jokes.
38. Mike | September 1st, 2007 at 12:52 am
oh man, i totally agree. dave chappelle has subtlety behind his jokes, and only about half of them have anything to do with stereotypes. the rest is social satire, a little slapstick, and other clever comedy devices. when he brings up race, he actually has something smart to say behind it- he always rationalizes his sketches and does a good job. carlos mencia, on the other hand, does not. he just does stupid shock comedy and crap like that. i mean, how many times can you laugh at a slur before it becomes hackneyed and boring? look, race shouldnt even be an issue here- both of these comedians are just trying to break down racial barriers when they make those kinds of jokes, and i support that. the fact of the matter is that chappelle is just better. he employs good jokes, good acting, subtleties, undertones, and other unexpected jokes. with menica it’s all “oh my god! beaner! gay dude! black people! indian people work at 7-11!”. it isnt comedy, its just comedy diarrhea.
39. | September 1st, 2007 at 6:49 am
As a comedian Carlos Mencia is a disgrace to every original comedian that has ever tried to make it big. Hes a cocky unfunny piece of shit who steals jokes from other original comedians. If you go to youtube and type in something like “mencia steals jokes” you will find examples of how he steals them. Every comedian must hate him. Patton Oswalt had an article in AP magazine promoting his upcoming cd. When he was asked to describe his album all he said was ” Like Carlos Mencia…. only funny”… I happen to agree with Patton who happends to be a very fine intelligent comedian. Carlos really thinks that he is a “bad boy of comedy” funny as shit. I dont think so. Ever listen to Andrew Dice Clay, or Jim Norton.. ok those guys are the bad boys of comedy. Not some wannabe mexican whos real name happends to be NED. Yes thats right his real name is fucking NED!!!! I wouldn’t really care if mencia’s career wasnt so huge. If he was only performing at shitty coffee shops for petty pocket change then no, I would not care. But the fact that this guy sells out venues and has a hit show on Comedy Central is what kills me. Somone who is so cocky about themself, somone who can take other comic’s jokes and re-word them to make them sound like his own should not be so successful. I believe that comedians like Dave Attel, Greg Giraldo, Lisa Lampinelli, Jim Norton, Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, should be where Carlos is today. Dont get me wrong each of those comedians have a great career of their own but its nothing like Mencia.. I really wish they would cancle him.. Check out my blog at my myspace
40. Paco | September 14th, 2007 at 11:45 am
Adam, in regards to what you said, have you seen this yet?
It’s worth a read, and lists some interesting facts about what you said.
41. Sam | September 20th, 2007 at 1:48 am
This show needs to be takin off the air, it’s gone on too long. It’s not funny, I know everyone in this thread has said it, but he’s a repetetive, rascist dumbass. I don’t see how he stille has a show. That deh deh deh makes me cringe whenever people say it. His show could be used as torture, along with all the people repeating his lines in the vascinating of my ears. This is a shout out to Carlos Mencia, if he ever looks up “I hate Carlos Mencia” in google. I HATE YOU, YOU NAZI BEANER!!!!!!!!!
42. Kristin | October 28th, 2007 at 10:16 am
Mencia and Chappele are both racist sad bags.
43. Loso Carnero | November 2nd, 2007 at 5:25 pm
Hi all, I think Carlos is just trying to make a living, just like every one of us. I personally don’t think he’s that funny and I would never pay to see him, but I do respect his material. I do not think he has anything against anybody, and if you think then you fall into what he calls “Retarded”. And then that makes me laugh when I see some of you writing here, feeling offended. You need to understand that he is trying to make us laugh and that’s it. Nothing else. I like George Lopez way better, he is really funny, but I still respect what Carlos does. Hey Carlos I am also from East LA. Saludos!
44. Hate you | December 1st, 2007 at 10:08 am
45. ashley | December 11th, 2007 at 6:20 pm
I want to start out by saying that I gave him an opportunity, and I watched his show and it did make me laugh, I don’t even remember what he did, but it did make me laugh, so that was his opportunity. Even before that, I learned that he had been stealing jokes from other people in a very obvious way. Now, I’m not for that. I don’t think that anyone else should be, I’ve read some pretty stupid comments on here, even using a joke of his calling people “deedeedee’s”, which to me, makes you sound pretty stupid yourself. If someone steals from someone else, then where is his talent, oh wait, he doesn’t have any talent. That means he’s not a comedian, so don’t call him a comedian if he isn’t, because those that he’s taking the material from are some of the most original and famous out there. Don’t be stupid. Or, I should put this another way for you, don’t be “deedeedee’s”. I support Cosby, Kinnison, Lopez, and others. If you think otherwise, then you should think again, until you actually get it.
46. ashley | December 11th, 2007 at 6:23 pm
I just think that if being stupid means being funny, then we have some funny people on here.
47. dave | December 18th, 2007 at 12:45 am
I don’t think they should take his show off the air if it makes money. Personally, I saw about half an episode and that was enough for me- he annoys me. But hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Comedy I think is brilliant might not seem so to you.
I don’t mind offensive humor, I just don’t think Carlos does it that well (just my opinion).
That being said, if he is stealing material (which is of course different than parody) then Comedy Central should take action- let him know it isn’t acceptable. They need to think about their relationship with the comedy community as a whole.
BTW, I wasn’t a huge fan of Chapelle either, but I certainly found him easier to watch than Mencia.
48. Caleb | February 19th, 2008 at 11:01 pm
i completely agree…i just now googled “i hate mind of mencia” because i wanted to see people that hated it just as much as me to set my heart at ease. If anybody ever tells me they like that show I will lose all respect for them REAL QUICK!
49. Nick | February 25th, 2008 at 2:36 pm
I am a black man and am offended by everything he does….he is the most racist person ever on tv….I hope the worse for him for the rest of his life….I feel bad for his kids to have a role model who is a sell out and a racist.
50. ivan | May 5th, 2008 at 10:07 am
Mexican ara racist
51. ivan | May 5th, 2008 at 10:09 am
Mexicans are racist
52. ln | May 8th, 2008 at 3:14 am
The first time I heard a Carlos Mencia stand-up, I was with a friend and we were cleaning guns. Neither of us were really watching it, but how can you miss a fat pretend-Mexican idiot prancing around on stage yelling like an idiot? So things were going okay, until I heard something REALLY familiar… Something about a trucker running over people if kids who want to beat the crap out of you approach.
I started paying real close attention to his mannerisms, the words he chose to use (and not to use, mind you!), and I thought to myself… “Is this guy REALLY stealing from Bill Hicks?!” Frankly, I see this as a sort of blasphemy… On his HBO special, and I believe in “No Strings Attached,” he does a small section on Reginald Denny and the L.A. Riots. The thing was almost a VERBATIM steal from one of the greatest comedic minds in history! Way to piss on his grave.
I’ve been calling him Bill Spicks ever since. Joe Rogan’s pet names for him are pretty neat, too.
53. Antonio | May 11th, 2008 at 3:34 am
I really dont like Carlos mencia at all at first it was funny and i thought the jokes about mexicans were funny for a while beacuse Im mexican until i found out hes really not mexican hes Hounduran and he never made fun of them and his stuff is always the same it never changes George Lopez is way more funnier and so is Gabriel Iglesias
54. P1 Big Charlie | May 13th, 2008 at 2:36 am
Ned steals jokes and still isn’t funny. I’ve never found him funny. I think the whole over-the-top hispanic joke routine is rather lame and unoriginal, coming from any comedian, but Mencia is just plain irritating.
55. jeff | May 14th, 2008 at 3:28 am
i could not in any way, hate this copying ass fucking fake more than i do, grow some talent, and then you will still be at the bottom of hollywood, you suck
fuck your mother you no talent ass clown
56. Danieldo | May 18th, 2008 at 8:50 pm
I hate this retard, i cant belive that comedy central gave him a new season i wanted to get a gun and shoot my self!! He not even funny he makes fun of his own people for money what an ass hole!!
57. fabian | May 22nd, 2008 at 1:08 am
ever since carlos mencia people started using his jokes to be racist against me the dude can barely speak spanish
58. Aleshia Jayne | June 1st, 2008 at 10:49 pm
OMG, every time I see his stupid commercial, he is always making fun of latinos and african americans! He is very stereotypical and I realized that I have never laughed at any of his jokes! He is definitely a slut. So is Jay Leno, and all the late night “comedians” they are so not funny
59. chris | June 4th, 2008 at 12:25 am
he’s a jackass, he goes to far with his jokes which aren’t even funny, he’s a loud mouth dick
60. Chaniqua | July 6th, 2008 at 9:32 am
I hate that fat ugly mexican he says the most racist things about black people especially about black females he is luckly dave chapelle diid’nt want to do his show anymore more or carlos would be cleaning the bathrooms right now dave chapelle and george lopez is funny not his fat ass and I bet his wife is cheating because who would wanna fuch his fat ass
61. Alek | February 1st, 2009 at 12:55 pm
I love how most people don’t get it. I think Sean Stephenson (a 3’4 author bound in wheelchair for life) put it well when he was on a show together with Johnny Knoxwille and said something to the tune of “thank you for making that movie where you weren’t afraid to make fun of the special olympics, you’re showing the world we’re just humans too, and don’t need to be treated like special little babies. I don’t want people to walk on eggshells around me, I want the same rights and the same PROBLEMS”
Making fun of white young guys is ok, but everyone else needs to be hush-hush? Heck no. Carlos is putting these issue to light and half his comedy is actually “in character”. He’s making fun OF making fun of people for being different.
You people are so stuck in trying to seem like you care that you didn’t get the point.
62. a black dude | April 23rd, 2009 at 10:16 pm
anyone who pretends to like this chappelle show rip-off shit, is obviously mexican because they don’t want to admit that they dont have anyone as funny, if you disagree…..suck my d#ck
63. | June 24th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
I got nothing to say about Carlos Mencia or David Chapelle. I’ve got asbolutely no opinion. Carlos Mencia is a comedian. So is Dave Chapelle. Comedy is funny. Chapelle had a show. Carlos mencia has a show. They both did standups. They were and are still paid well.
I like mushrooms in my omlet.
What about Eddie Griffin?
Carlos Mencia and Dave Chapelle are human beings. They both wear clothes, and they are of a different race. Carlos’ last name is Mencia. He is half Mexican, and half Honduran.
Chapelle is a black person. He is bold and talkes with a blackish accent.
I got no opinion.
Eddie Murphy used to do standup.
I got no arguements or points to make.
Put that in a place in your mind. Bitches.
64. Rexius | August 28th, 2009 at 10:33 pm
I hate Carlos Mencia
65. not a fan of menncia | December 31st, 2009 at 11:47 pm
ya and he seems to not be able to tell a joke without cursing …i watched one of his stand up special on comedy central and i swaer every other word was a bleep it gets old really fast
66. dave | March 28th, 2010 at 2:50 am
i hate carlos mencia that half Nazi half Honduras fagot always talking about white people talk about gay Germans killing Jews that or about your hut people you homo
67. Juan | June 8th, 2010 at 5:16 pm
I’m not going to compare Carlos to other comedians but he does steal materieal. The proof is out there, everywhere! for those who don’t believe it just google Carlos Mencia Joke stealer. There are several videos that show, side by side bits especially the one of a Bill Cosby bit, then next they show Carlos’s bit, It’s almost word for word. And for those who support Carlos saying that he tells it like it is are just ignorant. Besides, I already know how it is, tell me something I don’t know dumb ass. All the racist jokes he makes and how he tries to come off as some super Latino, He’s half German and his real name is ED! Look it up people, it’s true. He’s a big phoney who can’t think up his own shit and steals other peoples material. I personally know a very funny young Latino comedian who played down in LA and two weeks later, Carlos was using his joke on TV. He told me that he had met Carlos that night at the club. I’ve known this guy for 20 years and he’s been doing his bit for about ten years and doing well with it. So I know Carlos stole his bit. So if Carlos ever see’s this, come up with you’re own material fool!
68. PancakesNpearls | January 14th, 2011 at 5:19 pm
Your review is so dead on and could not agree with you more!
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