Posts filed under 'The Gays'

Sara Talks About Craig Ferguson Some More

Yeah, I know. I watch his show a lot these days. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a Scottish accent. Dan agrees with me.

So y’all know there are a lot of things I love (it’s true! I’m not angry at everything), like cheese, Tim Riggins, American whiskey, moderately expensive writing implements, yoga pants, Triscuits, and shopping at mostly-empty Targets. And you know I love Craig Ferguson, puppets, and musical numbers on TV. Here’s something else: I also love Rosie O’Donnell.

I do. I never watched her daytime talk show, because I had to go to school, or her on The View, because I have a job, but A League of Their Own is one of my more frequently quoted movies (along with Ghostbusters, Top Gun, Moonstruck, Mrs. Doubtfire, and, of course, Center Stage and Bring It On) and I love her in it. I want to see the sequel when Doris not only rips up the picture of her ugly, mean boyfriend and throws it out the window of the moving bus, but also makes out with Lori Petty a little. I’ve always liked Rosie’s willingness to put herself 100 percent behind whatever she believes in, and to say what she thinks even if it gets her in trouble. I admire that in a lady. And I’ve always wanted to bitchslap Elizabeth Hasselbeck, ever since Dan handed me a layout of a Survivor story a thousand years ago and her smug, pointy little face was staring out of it. (Sadly, that page is not online in the vast digital archive of the work we did a long time ago that now embarrasses us. But I found a feature story Cristin wrote!)

Which is all a very long way of saying that Rosie O’Donnell was on Craig Ferguson’s cold open tonight, and they lip-synched Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love,” and there were puppets. It was great. Please to enjoy.

1 comment January 29th, 2010

Friday Night Lights: A Sort of Homecoming

Last week on Friday Night Lights, Tim became an assistant coach for the East Dillon Lions, while Coach struggled to scrape together funds for his scruffy team. Matt learned that art is about being a miserable, unbathed recluse, which understandably freaked Julie out. Buddy Garrity went off the reservation re: the Panthers under the odious thumb of Revoltin’ Joe McCoy. Vince, Landry, and Luke continued to flail about on the ragtag Lions team. And now, on to episode four, Dillon: A New Hope.

We've got spirit, yes we do! And barbecue!

We've got spirit, yes we do! And barbecue!

Click to continue reading “Friday Night Lights: A Sort of Homecoming”

3 comments November 19th, 2009

Gay or not?: Chris Colfer does the hokey pokey in and out of the closet

Chris ColferYesterday, Glee co-star Chris Colfer gave an interview to USA Today wherein he half-heartedly took a step back into the closet. All at once, Colfer’s comments were confusing, inconsistent and, to me, maddening.

Let me backtrack.

For those unfamiliar, on Glee Colfer plays the designer label-wearing, “Single Ladies”-choreographing, gayer-than-Christmas character Kurt. Kurt is one of the funniest characters on the show — lovingly and sensitively written — and Colfer does a great job playing him. He’s totally flamboyant, but the character doesn’t come across as minstrel-y. All in all, Kurt is a great role model for flamboyant young kids.

So, being that Kurt is the gayest character on the gayest show on network television, one would be tempted to make assumptions about whether the actor playing the role is gay himself. Colfer has been asked about it before and publications like After Elton and The Advocate have matter-of-factly discussed him as being out. He’s said a couple times that he wasn’t out in high school because people are “killed” for it in his hometown.

So, it seemed bizarre and inconsistent that in the USA Today interview he decided to play coy. From the article:

Playing an openly gay kid means fielding questions about his own sexuality, which Colfer doesn’t address.

“I try to keep up a mystery. As much as I give away of my personal life, the less people will believe me as other characters. I try to be private about it. It is what it is,” Colfer says with a shrug.

This drives me nuts.

I don’t want to be too hard on Colfer. Even today, coming out is always hard and you have to remember that he’s basically just a kid (born in 1990, for the love of God). And I certainly can’t imagine coming out to the entire country when I was 19.

Still, this is the latest in a troubling pattern of behavior by gay celebrities. Whether you’re Michelle Rodriguez or Ricky Martin or Sean Hayes or Anderson Cooper, dodging the gay question has been a time-honored tradition. However, the idea of not only dodging the gay question, but actively aspiring to achieve a sort of glass closet mystique strikes me as willfully and actively dishonest.

The most recent high-profile case of this phenomenon was American Idol’s Adam Lambert, who danced around the gay question for ages despite the fact that he was pretty much openly gay before the show. There were photos of him, essentially, shitting glitter and neon glowsticks. No one was fooled, but it kept people talking. And then he had his big Rolling Stone article and the beaten dead horse of Lambert’s sexuality was finally buried.

Now, Colfer’s decision to intentionally obfuscate (and self-contradict) his sexual orientation is both disappointing and aggravating. It’s aggravating because it reinforces the idea that being gay is something that should be hidden. “It’s none of your business” is something you say when you’re caught cheating on your wife or if you’re trying to cover up a blemish with the law. “Yeah, I’m gay. What’s so interesting about that?” is the attitude that Lambert and Colfer should be expressing. No one would ever play coy about their national origin or religion (unless, maybe, you’re a creepy Scientologist).

As for his concern about getting roles — I can understand why actors in particular would be hesitant to discuss their homosexuality. Getting roles is a cut-throat business and casting directors are fickle. But, let’s face it, actors like Chris Colfer and Sean Hayes are never going to be the leads in heterosexual romantic comedies (Other actors like, say, T.R. Knight might be able to get away with it. It’s just a fact). No one is ever going to say “Well, we can’t get Gyllenhaal, somebody get Chris Colfer’s people on the phone.”

It may not feel good to be limited to certain roles and put in a specific box, but that’s all Hollywood is — boxes.  Actors are typecast all the time based on their race, their age or their level of attractiveness. Steve Buscemi might want to get the same roles as George Clooney, but it’s never going to happen. (It’s not the end of the world, though. The rules are definitely bendable. Neil Patrick Harris’ role as Barney on How I Met Your Mother works so well because he isn’t traditionally masculine.) Colfer happens to be baby-faced, wirey and fey. Confirming or denying his sexual orientation isn’t going to change a thing.

I’m not advocating a witch hunt to “out” anyone in Hollywood (politicians, however, are a different story). Beating down an actor’s door to force them out of the closet doesn’t do anything but imply that they’ve been “exposed” as being gay. But as long as there people in Maine voting to strip away the rights of committed couples and a complete ban on gay people in the military, it’s important to for everyone to be out and unashamed.

This coy business isn’t cute. It’s counterproductive.

15 comments November 12th, 2009

Who Would Win in a Dance-Off: Neil Patrick Harris vs. Matthew Morrison

It’s back! Who Would Win in a Fight is back! Except we don’t believe either of these refined gentlemen would fight. If they had a disagreement, they would dance.

So this month brings back many awesome shows, including one of my old favorites, How I Met Your Mother, and featured the regular-season debut of a sure-to-be new favorite, Glee. Both feature suave and fetching fellows, and the actors who play those suave and fetching fellows are what TNT likes to call New Classics: handsome, funny, light on their feet, multi-talented. And deadly in a dance battle. Said dance battle would be legen…


Five, six, seven, eight



  • Child stars who don’t crash and burn by age 20 are nigh unkillable (see: Mickey Rooney)
  • Looks good in a suit
  • Can do television, Broadway, and
  • Played the Emcee in Cabaret, therefore, comfortable with mascara and pelvic thrusts
  • Did we mention he can do magic?
  • Weaknesses:

  • From Albuquerque. Nothing awesome ever came from Albuquerque…until now
  • Possibly becoming overexposed with Tony hosting, Emmy hosting in the same year
  • Out of practice at hoofing after years of playing boorish straight guy on TV
  • Proficiency with musical instruments unknown
  • Matthew Morrison


  • Nominated for a Tony for The Light in the Piazza
  • Getting lots of practice singing and dancing on Glee
  • Now makes than Kanye
  • Proximity to Jane Lynch indicates can probably cut a bitch
  • Knows never to trust a big butt and a smile
  • Can dance and play the guitar at the same time
  • Seriously, how cute is he?
  • Weaknesses:

  • Was on a soap opera as recently as 2006
  • Disappointed me by not still being in South Pacific when I saw it in May, waah.
  • Unnaturally attached to disco
  • Shrewish wife might be stifling creativity
  • Who would win in a dance-off?


4 comments September 17th, 2009

Fall premieres: Things I am watching

Hello, friends. Long time, lots of bad TV. Well, with the exception of What Would Brian Boitano Make? and brand! new! shiny! Project Runway on Lifetime. But starting, erm, last week, the long summer drought has ended, and we’re getting factory-direct new episodes of scripted TV, which is awesome. Herein, a few things I am looking forward to, and a few more I am giving up on.

Because we are so very pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die. Huh? Look at that chiseled jaw!

Because we are so very pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die. Huh? Look at that chiseled jaw!

As you may know, Gossip Girl returns for a third season tonight, with everyone on the show attending NYU because they are too poor/stupid/antisocial for Yale, Brown, and gen pop (Blair and Dan, Serena, and Chuck, respectively). I suppose it doesn’t even matter if I point out yet again that NYU costs more than Yale, and that CCNY would actually be more on these dimwits’ intellectual levels. I don’t think I’ll be following the Gossips too much this year, because everything became both unbelievable and unbelievably boring last year. And although I do enjoy watching boys make out almost as much as Dan (our Dan, not Lonelyboy. Well, I think Lonelyboy likes it too) does, the prospect of Chuck sucking face with this guy isn’t going to bring me back.

A show I will be following, religiously? Castle! Because Nathan Fillion is a very nice man and it’s fantastic to see him finally get a second season of something. The man works hard, selling the hell out of the show , and also he sometimes shows up . Which is the kind of commitment we like to see in our tall, dark, and handsome Canadians. Besides that, the show itself is quality. It was a midseason replacement last year and turned out to be a nice blend of procedural and romantic dramedy, with Fillion providing most of the giggles and the quite lovely Stana Katic playing the straight man. Also, his interaction with his TV daughter is wonderful. Seriously, I may be most excited about the return of Castle, and that’s saying a lot, since back in April I was inappropriately anxious to find out if Amy Brenneman would survive having her belly sliced open by that psychotic woman from Alias and Felicity.

I am also very excited about How I Met Your Mother, and not just because my crush on NPH really doesn’t care that he’s gay (remember what I said about boys making out? Yeah, I could stand to see a little PDA on the Emmy red carpet, is all). I’ve been rewatching the early seasons of HIMYM on DVD, and honestly, I just love that show. It’s so sparkling and delightful, and even SagetTed doesn’t weird me out anymore. I am really in no hurry to find Your Mother, as that might bring the show to an end, and I just love it too much. More Barney! More Marshall! More everyone!

Avec Eric is like Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, but with less swearing, fewer snide remarks about my beloved Food Network, and far more inventive use of a toaster oven. Famous, fantastic French chef Eric Ripert travels the world for boar hunts and visits to the greatest restaurants there are, then he whips up something tasty in his palatial home kitchen. And he does it all with the most wonderful accent, a sense of humor, and a deep sense of respect for food, people who grow food, people who kill food, and people who eat food. If you only know him from Top Chef, record the show. There are no commercials! And it’s just incredibly relaxing and beautiful. If Eric Ripert’s accent doesn’t make your ears purr, I will refund your money.

I’ve seen the pilot of Community. It is quite funny, and of course, Joel McHale can do no wrong. I hope it prospers magnificently. I’ve also seen the pilot of Trauma, which is quite unintentionally funny in places, but you know I will watch whatever Peter Berg throws at me. You know who’s interesting on that? Cliff Curtis, who plays a crazy adrenaline junkie helicopter paramedic. He kind of wins the TV Diversity Sweepstakes (at first I thought he was Indian, but he’s actually from New Zealand. And once played Pablo Escobar! Far better than Adrian Grenier did). Speaking of Peter Berg, I have no idea what’s going to happen on Friday Night Lights when it returns to DirecTV, but I will be there. Er, here. In my office, where we have DirecTV. I understand that Riggins will be back (RIGGINS!!) but not Tyra. And Matt Saracen is sticking around Dillon to break our hearts like five thousand more times. Plus, Coach and Mrs. Coach! I almost forgot how deeply I love Friday Night Lights, you all.

And that is kind of it. Yeah, there are other returning shows I’m looking forward to, and I will give a looksee to Flash Forward, The Good Wife, and Modern Family, but with Jay Leno effectively blacking out five hours of primetime a week to me, this appears to be what my DVR will be filled with this fall. And! The Daily Show returns tonight! That is making me very happy. What are y’all looking forward to?

2 comments September 14th, 2009

Fruity Friday: Chris Evans’ brother is a gay cop on One Life to Live

Dudes!  I haven’t posted all week! I’m sure both of our readers are disappointed.

I’ll try to do better. No promises though — there’s nothing on TV and it’s going to take some time for me to come up with something worth writing about.

In the meantime, here’s something that can be enjoyed by at least me and Sara (who, curiously, seems to enjoy watching boys kiss as much as I do).  Scott Evans (the openly gay brother of walking six-pack Chris Evans) is apparently playing a gay cop on One Life to Live and recently had a much-hyped kiss with a hot-in-a-mousey-way medical student.

This scene could be classified as hot if you took these kinds of things seriously. And if it didn’t feature dialogue like “Why are you doing this to yourself”/”Because I’d lose everything!”

1 comment August 7th, 2009

GLAAD: HBO is full of ‘mos, NBC is found wanting

The Gay rights group GLAAD — the one that tracks gay representation in the media — released its third annual Grand Sparkling Gay TV Survey. The results, of course, indicate that there is progress to be made, but they also point out that the premium cable channels is where all the man-on-man/lady-on-lady action is going on.

HBO and Showtime both have significant LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, for the non-activisty crowd) representation, including main characters on True Blood, The United States of Tara and Weeds.  And while I’ve realized this for a while, I’m still surprised that the Disney-owned ABC continues to set the pace for the networks (Callie on Grey’s Anatomy, those useless queens on Desperate Housewives, and I think everyone on Brothers and Sisters is gay).

Meanwhile NBC and CBS were severely lacking, along with cable networks Sci Fi, A&E and TBS. If you’re interested in learning more, you can read the whole thing here.

1 comment July 27th, 2009

True Blood: Gays = Vampires?

Here's a picture of Ryan Kwanten without a shirt.

Here's a picture of Ryan Kwanten without a shirt.

Since its premiere, there’s been a lot of speculation as to whether or not the series is an elaborate allegory about gay rights.

Charlaine Harris, who write the Sookie Stackhouse books, says she intended the story to play out that way. Meanwhile, Alan Ball dismisses the idea. There’s an interesting


Author Charlaine Harris — who wrote the best-selling Sookie Stackhouse mystery novels that the TV show is based on — hoped fans would pick up on the link between vampire rights and gay rights when she published the first book in 2001.

“When I began framing how I was going to represent the vampires, it suddenly occurred to me that it would be interesting if they were a minority that was trying to get equal rights,” Harris says.

“It just seemed to fit with what was happening in the world right then.”

But, the creator of the TV series, , doesn’t see it the same way. “To look at these vampires on the show as metaphors for gays and lesbians is so simple and so easy, that it’s kind of lazy,” Ball told a group of reporters in early June.

“If you get really serious about it, well, then the show could be seen to be very homophobic because vampires are dangerous: They kill, they’re amoral.”

True, Alan — it would be really easy to make that comparison. And, admittedly, there definitely isn’t a one-to-one relationship between the vamps and the gays.

But at the same time, come on. You’ve got an evangelical uprising against this population. You’ve got a “God Hates Fangs” sign in the opening credits.  You used the phrase “to come out of the coffin.” You have to admit, that you’re at least inviting a few comparisons.  If you really wanted to avoid it, you could have tried a bit harder to disguise it.

2 comments June 23rd, 2009

Jeffery and Cole Casserole: If only all gay entertainment could be this good

Don’t look now, but there’s something worth watching on Logo!

The network is launching Jeffery and Cole Casserole on Friday at 11 — it’s a television version of the VGL Gay Boys that I posted on a while back. The show promises to have the low production values and made-in-a-bedroom feel as the Web series.

Here’s a promo:

I love these guys. For those of you who fancy the opposite gender, you may not know that most gay comedy and gay music is uniformly horrible. The movies tend to be unimaginative, campy farces. So it’s a welcome change of pace to see some homos making good comedy.

For those of you concerned about LOGO, I’m sure they’ll keep showing those awful coming-of-age gay movies and aged reruns of Queer As Folk. Not to worry.

Add comment June 17th, 2009

Antidote to the Mondays

Er, the Tuesdays after a long weekend. Yeah, I bet you’re hating being at work as much as I am right now. To make up for it, I have a special treat for you.

So I started watching Torchwood a while back. And while I enjoyed it, a lot, I didn’t think it lived up to the creators’ insistence that the show would be dark and adult. Um, that changed. Shit got REAL. Like existential dilemma real. And then it got awesome. I present to you a bit of the first episode of series two. If you enjoy boys kissing, and/or you liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and/or you have a pulse, I think you will enjoy this. Ignore the French. Fun part starts about a minute and a half in.

Don’t say I never did anything for you.

1 comment May 26th, 2009

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