I want to hang out with Kathy Griffin and Paula Deen
On Monday’s episode of My Life on the D List, Kathy went to Savannah to hang out with Paula Deen after she failed to win the Grammy for Best Comedy Album. Well…I…had a very boring bus ride back from Virginia on Sunday. I want to go Paula Deen’s house!

Paula gets new diamonds whenever she gets new hair, I think.
During her visit, Kathy hit on Paula’s single son, Bobby (I prefer Jamie, but he’s married), and Team Griffin attempted to cook something. And there was a big, boozy, Walker-style dinner, complete with Kathy commenting that Paula’s gay assistant, Brandon, was turning into a Jacqueline Susann novel. Which was awesome. But my favorite part was when Paula was tasting the monstrosities Team Griffin put together in her palatial kitchen, and confided that she knows “girls that sometimes, they don’t always swallow their food while they’re filming,” but that Paula always swallows her food. And I KNOW she is talking about Giada! That skinny twit does not eat her food. (But I do. It’s pretty good.)
I am loving where Kathy is going with all the splendid divas this season. I hope Cher is next. And here’s a fun piece of trivia for you to impress your friends: Paula Deen and Susan Sarandon are the same age. Susan is actually a few months older. Yep. Also, Amy Adams is older than Ryan Reynolds. I find that surprising.
2 comments June 24th, 2009