What happened on Top Chef? Your guess is as good as mine
Posted by Dan May 15th, 2008 at 11:47am In Top Chef
I didn’t watch Top Chef last night.
I have to admit — I was at a gay bar for trivia night. Our team name was “Michael Winslow Queefs Manhattan.” Chew on that.
Due to the fact that I have no idea who got eliminated, it’s time to just make something up. Here’s a mad lib stating what could potentially have happened on last night’s episode.
Come up with a list of the following words and then plug it in. Feel free to paste your completed mad lib in the comments.
- liquid
- emotion
- adjective
- article of clothing
- noun
- adjective
- plural noun
- color
- noun
- country
- adjective
- animal
- plural noun
- body part
- adjective
- verb
- adjective
- animal
- body part
The episode starts with the cast waking up, making eggs and drinking __(liquid)__. Nikki got eliminated last episode and this makes most of the crew feel very __(emotion)__ except for Dale who thinks she was a __(adjective)__ cook.
The contestants file into the kitchen for the Quickfire in front of Padma and special guest judge Sam from season two. He’s looking supa-hot, wearing a tight-fitting __(article of clothing)__ and a smoldering gaze. The challenge is to cook a meal using nothing but a hot plate, a vegetable peeler and a __(noun)__. Spike is at the bottom of the heap with a __(adjective)__ chicken dish while Stephanie wins by making a delicious pasta with __(plural noun)__.
The action head straight into the challenge, which is Restaurant Wars.
One team names their restaurant The __(color)__ __(noun)__ and serves only cuisine from __(country)__. The other team names their restaurant __(adjective)__ __(animal)__.
The first team gets off to a rocky start. Dale tries to help Richard out, but accidentally puts a pile of __(plural noun)__ in his soup. Richard is so mad he has steam coming out of his __(body part)__.
The second team works hard to stay on track. Lisa decides to make a gazpacho dish, but it ends up tasting too __(adjective)__. Stephanie helps out by adding some celery and onion. She said “It’s okay, we’re still going to __(verb)__ the other team!”
In the end, Stephanie’s team does indeed win. At the judge’s table, Spike gets eliminated for being too __(adjective)__ in the kitchen. Also, Gail said that his steak tasted like __(animal)__ __(body part)__.
2 Comments Add your own
1. Cynthia | May 23rd, 2008 at 3:21 am
___(verb)____ brilliant post!
2. the TV addict » Blo&hellip | May 23rd, 2008 at 12:27 pm
[...] Dan didn’t (still hasn’t, actually) get a chance to see this week’s Top Chef, but you can get a chance to create your own episode through this Top Chef Mad Lib. (TiFaux) [...]
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