The Paper

Posted by Maggie April 15th, 2008 at 11:11am In MTV Reality

I can’t believe I forgot to talk up The Paper, MTV’s newest reality show. It premiered last night, and unlike most MTV reality shows, this one appears to be about actual teenagers doing things teenagers actually do — in this case, rip each other to shreds and put out a school paper. It is phenomenal.


Sure, it has that crazy editing thing that MTV likes to do, where they treat us all like kitties that will get distracted and wander away if there aren’t a thousand things going on at all times. Also, MTV, I do not need to know what crappy song is playing every second of the show. Besides, you only play about ten seconds of a song before quick cutting to something else, so it’s not like I get a good sense of what the song is like.

The students they’re following — ambitious Amanda, nice guy Alex, basket case Adam, and insecure wench Gianna — are worth putting up with the editing nightmare. These kids have passions. They’re mean. They’re reasonably intelligent. They’re hard-working. They are clearly going to go nuts dealing with each other, and sooner rather than later.

In the first episode, they compete to see who will be the next editor in chief. You’ll have to watch for yourself for the full effect, but just as a teaser: The competition has some parallels to the current presidential campaign.

Gianna, right, will crush your happiness for your own good.

I like this show. Teenagers are awkward and emotional and backstabby. They also work really hard at things they enjoy. This feels true to my experience in a way that most shows — especially on MTV — do not. Watch it! And if you did, tell me what you think! First question: Did you hate Gianna and Trevor as much as I did?

15 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Marisa  |  April 15th, 2008 at 11:16 am

    I found this show a little rough to watch. It started to veer away from entertaining, The Hills-style bitchery and into The Office levels of uncomfortable for me. Maybe it just made all of my high school nerd insecurities bubble up–but I wasn’t even on the school paper! And I got a job in publishing anyway. These kids should all quit the paper and join Key Club. It’s a lot friendlier.

  • 2. Dan  |  April 15th, 2008 at 11:21 am

    I have a feeling this one could sting. As a devoted Yearbook nerd, I’m guessing from your description I might strongly identify with Adam (from the outcast perspective). Speaking from the perspective of a formerly taciturn, chubby adolescent who cared more about layouts than anyone ever should.

  • 3. Maggie  |  April 15th, 2008 at 11:31 am

    I wasn’t on the paper either (theater nerd!), but I can see what you mean, Marisa. It’s very easy to project your own personalities and conflicts onto this group — that’s why I liked it, actually. Dan, I really don’t think you’re an Adam. In the first episode, he cried (maybe more than once), yelled (constantly), and was the bitchiest queen I’d seen in a long time (and remember, I was a theater nerd).

  • 4. sara  |  April 15th, 2008 at 1:22 pm

    Maggie, you clearly never worked on a newspaper with Dan. Kidding! I was the one who cried.

  • 5. sara  |  April 15th, 2008 at 4:15 pm

    Oh my God, I’m watching the rerun right now and I want to punch Amanda in the face SO HARD. Her cell phone ring is that goddamn song from the Macbook Air commercial! Jesus!

  • 6. jesse  |  April 16th, 2008 at 9:37 am

    That song did actually exist for several years before the commercial slash is wonderful.

  • 7. Maggie  |  April 16th, 2008 at 10:01 am

    I’m going to go ahead and admit that I love Amanda. A more full defense tk. But punching her in the face is definitely not allowed. I refuse to believe that you don’t see a little bit of yourself (ourselves) in her. Do you want to punch yourself (ourselves) in the face?

  • 8. Marisa  |  April 16th, 2008 at 4:08 pm

    I think Amanda represents the part of me that I want to punch in the face. Usually on these shows I find myself rooting for the underdog, but she’s an underdog who’s so hard to get behind. I think that’s why the show is hard for me to watch. I’m interested in a defense of her. Maybe that’ll iron out my dissonance.

  • 9. Mandy  |  April 18th, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    I am addicted to reality tv and I am also big into journalism so watching The Paper was a given for me. I like Amanda(and no it isn’t just because we share the same name). Yeah she is a bit annoying, but she is just gung ho about what she is doing. Those other kids need to get a life and stop being such asses because they are jealous of her. I want to smack Gianna so hard it isn’t even funny.

  • 10. TV Blog Coalition: April &hellip  |  April 21st, 2008 at 8:25 pm

    [...] Maggie willingly relived the trauma of high school by exposing herself to MTV’s new reality show The Paper, which is set in a real-life high school. (TiFaux) [...]

  • 11. the TV addict » Blo&hellip  |  April 25th, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    [...] Maggie willingly relived the trauma of high school by exposing herself to MTV’s new reality show The Paper, which is set in a real-life high school. (TiFaux) [...]

  • 12. Punch Myself  |  April 28th, 2008 at 11:57 am

    Another shameless “show” for MTV. It should be renamed “Giana’s Tits” because that’s all the camera guy really cares about here. Chief Amanda’s character has already been done in a movie called “Election,” another MTV jaunt. I’m waiting for her to end up in the looking glass room making out with Dave Novotny. I just hate MTV…Hate hate hate it. By the way, this show was followed up by America’s next top Model…6 episodes of it…Once again, MTV setting a good example for today’s youth…Nice programming decisions. Keep raking in that cash, dickheads…

  • 13. 24hourrifle  |  May 29th, 2008 at 5:25 pm

    i can see how amanda would drive people mad but if you pay attention you can see she is really a sweet girl who just wants to get along with everyone…gianna is so phony and such a liar…her and trevor and alex talk about her behind her back and generally just cause trouble then they act like amanda is the cause of all the tension

  • 14. 24hourrifle  |  May 29th, 2008 at 5:28 pm

    …and by the way whats alexs problem?hes such a dikkkkkkkk

  • 15. Jess  |  July 14th, 2009 at 11:48 pm

    This show is what inspired me to decide to become a magazine editor. If all goes well, Giana and/or one of her minions will apply for a job at my outlet and I’ll be able to tell her to her face where to stick it!

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