Okay — so, let’s hash it all out. Oh, and, uh, spoiler alert.
- First of all, in retrospect, Simone totally seems like the kind of person where — in 10 weeks — you’ll think “remember that Simone chick?” Think Stacey Estrella. Think whatever that woman’s name was who made the outfit out of her grandma’s scarves and then showed up at the reunion pregnant. Not a big personality and a safe decision to send home (although I have to agree with Heidi — I did really like her color choices).
- As far as the winner goes, I would have picked Christian over Rami. Admittedly, I am a sucker for plaid, but I wasn’t wild about Rami’s color and, in general, I’m not big on fake fabric flowers (especially Victorya’s gigantic metal daffodil thing — I’m surprised that was deemed to be in the top tier). While I have a feeling Christian himself might wear on me, I did think his jacket was cool and the whole get-up was well thought-out.
- Marion: I can’t tell if he’s kind of creepy or if I’m nursing a mild crush. One or the other. Maybe both.
- What is with all the dreamboat gay designers with the gigantic arms? Not that I’m complaining.
- One thing I noticed is that there were a lot of garments that were, for lack of a better word, “floofy.” The big, billowy, high-volume style is apparently in, but it makes all those skinny-ass models look like whales.
- Elisa — I can’t imagine she’s going to make it more than a few rounds. You can kind of see the glazed crazy in her eyes. But now that I say that she’ll probably turn into this season’s rosette-wielding Angela and stick around til close to the end.
- The season preview: Jack’s big secret intrigues me. I don’t think it has anything to do with his health status — I’m thinking it has to do with some sort of Keith-ian misdeed that he comes clean to Tim about. But, then again, my instincts on these things are consistently wrong. So, y’all should know that by now.
- I don’t anticipate this being as dramatic a season as last season. Also, it seems like the designers are bit caught up in the celebrity of Project Runway — like they’re much more aware of it this season than in previous seasons.
So, thoughts? Who do you like? Who do you not like? Leave it in the comments.