Time Warner Cable: Dead To Me

Posted by Kyle April 20th, 2007 at 05:43pm In General


Now, eagle-eyed members of the Colbert Nation know that this is in fact an outdated version of the “On Notice” board, but this will have to do. For the purposes of this rant, we’ll call this the “Dead to Me” board. That’s right Time Warner Cable, you are dead to me.

Oh sure, you’ve provided analog cable channels with little to no trouble since I moved into my apartment 3 years ago, but I don’t want just any old cable. I want the cable I pay exorbitant monthly fees for. First there was Turner Classic Movies. We don’t talk much about TCM here on the ‘Faux because it’s a movie channel, but goddamn do I love me the TCM. And what did TWC think of TCM? TWC couldn’t care less about it! It’s among the weakest signals in the lineup (along with MTV2 and Noggin). I never found out what happened at the end of She Done Him Wrong, and I missed dozens of great movies because the channel was unavailable.

Well Nation, what do you think I did? I called Time Warner Cable and asked them to fix the problem. They sent people out to check the lines, fiddled around a little, and told me it would get better. It was something I’d just have to live with. This was after I had already ditched the spotty Roadrunner Internet service for the rock-solid Verizon DSL.

But in February I bought a lovely HD plasma screen, with the express intention of watching high definition television. I am, after all, a sometime contributor to a television blog. And cable is the best way I know of to get HD content without paying an arm and a leg. Just an arm will do for TWC. Well, what do we discover upon plugging in the fancy new Scientific Atlanta 8300HD DVR? We don’t get ABC HD, FOX, HD, CW HD, or NBC HD. We get a gray screen. For some reason we get CBS HD with no trouble whatsoever, which is great for the 30 minutes of CBS programming we watch in a week.

7 weeks and 5 technician visits later, we’re in the same situation. The last guy told us we needed to have cable rerun from our neighbor’s house 2 doors down and he’d make sure there was a crack team of contractors sent out right away. So we actually got the keys from them and I waited around all day. You know what I got? One technician, who had no idea what I was talking about, and refused to take the fire escape to get into our backyard. He left, claiming that his supervisor would call me. I don’t believe these people even have supervisors. There has been absolutely no continuity between visits. They start over from scratch every time, assuming I don’t know what I’m talking about and re-doing all the things the last guy did.

I’m considering switching to satellite, since then I wouldn’t have to coordinate with my downstairs and 2-doors-down neighbors every time I need someone to run a wire. But for some reason none of the big guys have CW or PBS HD. I suppose that won’t be much of a problem if VM and Gilmore Girls get canceled. But I don’t want to end up like my mother who doesn’t get local channels when there are leaves on the trees. Do we have any NYC readers with HD satellite experience out there? I am going out of my mind.

5 Comments Add your own

  • 1. mary  |  April 24th, 2007 at 4:27 pm

    wait a minute! did i read somewhere that Fox was to be downgraded off the time warner cable systems?

  • 2. Kyle  |  April 24th, 2007 at 4:54 pm

    That seems unlikely. Neither Fox nor Time Warner Cable is in a position to let that happen. We don’t get Fox in HD, but that’s because our signal is so weak.

  • 3. Alvin  |  May 15th, 2007 at 12:35 pm

    I have the same problem… and it just happened recently.. to ALL my channels HD or not.. I believe someone else in my building just got some sort of cable service or some technician decided to splice in to my line.. either way, the tech is coming out tomorrow… and I’m probably in for a few weeks of pain… Everything had been fine for the last 6 months though.. go figure.. it seems that they have a bandwidth problem…

  • 4. Ronwell  |  May 24th, 2007 at 7:11 pm

    If you are having service problems in an apartment building and it was not designed nor wired correctly by the owner of the building then there will be problems.Not cable co.s fault as they are trying to work with others wiring. It is possible that if the wiring is leaking signal they could disconnect service completely until the owner fixes the wiring
    If your line is going thru two neighbors property then that is not a proper install. It is possible you should not have been served to begin with as you may be too far from the tap. The company may need to extend the plant within 250′ of your home to provide best service. If you live on a larger tract of private property and there is no easement from the government roads then the cost may be passed on to you to have the plant extended.

  • 5. Kyle  |  May 24th, 2007 at 9:17 pm

    Well Mr. Knowitall/TWC shill, thanks for your advice. The problem was solved and it was entirely the fault of the original, shoddy Time Warner installation. That was determined early on in the process but they were incapable of sending the right people to fix it. There is no inside wiring, from the backyard it goes straight over the roof into our front window and into the cable box. And since we live in Brooklyn, the tap being two doors down means it’s about 50 feet away from us. Since the buildings are all attached, there is no access to the tap without going through someone’s first-floor apartment. It was badly done from the beginning and despite a very nice contractor who solved the problem, Time Warner Cable remains on my “Dead to Me” list.

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